About Me
Ah where to begin. The story of Sip Yek Nom begins like many stories, on the side of a mountain, in a dark, desolate, and foul smelling motorhome in the year 2000. It is here where a one Johnny B. and Cheesebread lived for a time, playing along the tops of the snow tipped peaks of Fernie BC. There's always room for one more they say, so Slamrod joined them in their quest to get very stoned and play lots of strange stolen instruments, hence the song "A Yottish Tale" was born. However, the snow soon melted and these three brave souls travelled to the orchards of the Okanagan to find their fortune picking fruit. At this time Tugboat, who was back in our desolate home of Hay River, Northwest Territories was contacted and asked to join the band that was created through many hours of incredibly baked conversation after a hard days fruit picking. He declined the offer. Slamrod, Johnny, and Cheesebread, in dispair and desperation, returned to the cold arctic wasteland that is their home. During the first jam in Hay River, Tugboat, against all odds, assumed control of the bass, and Sip Yek Nom was born. That fall the band moved to Deathbridge, AB where Slamrod was going to school. Johnny, Tugboat, and Slamrod practiced hard, but Cheesebread decided to go on vacation and wasn't seen again until that December. When he finally did return the band chose it's name...why "Sip Yek Nom" you ask? Is there any other possible choice? I ask you in return. It was here that the band made another hard decision: to once again return to the cruel and harsh realm that is there homeland...to work like dogs in order to buy decent gear, to practice like machines to play decent music....to give up all our other dreams and desires and to eat breathe sleep dream Sip Yek Nom, and devote every cent of money earned, every ounce of energy, and give everything we've ever loved to the Great Monkey God....and so we did. And with the album "Sip Yek Nom" recorded in Yellowknife NT in 2001, and the album "Blah Ditty Blah Ditty Ditty Blah Blah" recorded in one long day in 2003 with the infamous Brian "Who" Else in Vancouver, and the soon to be recorded masterpiece "Pickled Punks," we have been traveling accross the continent spreading the good word of the Great Monkey God. Our travels have taken us to the far far north, the east coast, to the west coast, to the US, and we've shared our vision with such great bands as the Dayglo Abortions, SNFU, The Casualties, The Ripcordz, Bunchofuckingoofs, The Dabblers, Abandin All Hope, The Resistance, Dry Fisted, The Brewkowskis, Ab Irato, Nevertheless, Lumox, Mr. Plow, The 3tards, and many many more. Now armed with our newest weapon, Zak Attak, and with a relocation of our homebase to Vancouver this very month of Jan 2006, we prepare to begin the onlsaught of the most intense fucked up creepy original punk rock metal shit ever created and unleash it upon the globe...and we will not stop until every last one of you has been converted to a Monkey God worshiping freak. Fuckin A rights!