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About Me

I love San Diego, but now live in Kansas City, Missouri. I still am perplexed by what I am told are the parallels between Kansas City and San Diego. There's going to "the lake," rather than "the ocean" and going on "float trips" rather than surfing in the ocean. Water here comes out hoses, sprinkers, kettles, buckets and is lapped up by grass and concrete. Water at home we used to conserve in small buckets because we were experiencing a drought. People would always say "but you have the ocean," but you try pouring a bit of salt in a cup and get back to me. If you have tried that already, we should be friends. I play volleyball a lot and enjoy my time anywhere - what you surround yourself with is more important than the city you live in. Perhaps that makes me a romantic, but i'll pretend not to be. I'm rugged, but people for some reason don't think I am. Now that I say that I hope in 2 years and 7 months I end up back in San Diego. I miss going to the beach and playing volleyball on Christmas. Hope to bring my roommate with me so he can partner up with Jason Ring on the tour and get a better tan. No fake and bake. For all the dudes out there that do that, I think that is weird. Stick to the old fashioned way! We'll all end up in the same pruney stage later on in life. It's all about quality.

My Interests

Summing it up - anything.