Pleased to Jive You profile picture

Pleased to Jive You

About Me

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"So they say the 'scene' is dead. Fear not, help is on its way. For those of you who haven't heard Pleased to Jive You, you're missing out ... Vast potential, which is equaled only by their originality has many wondering what the future holds ... After completely dominating the All Ages crowd at Monster Elepante's album launch at Woden Youth Centre recently, up and comers Pleased to Jive You are set to play Digbyfest 2 ... It's rare that you will stumble upon a band that not only thrives on originality, but is fucking good at it. Pleased to Jive You are the exception - instead of stumbling upon these guys, you may find them runningup to you only to be greeted by a massive slap in the face."
Josh Maloney, BMA Magazine - July/August 2008
For those lucky enough to witness the "overly ambitious, pubescent" Pleased to Jive You in action, you can expect an award winning eclectic blend of energetic jazz, funk, rock, blues, folk, rap, pop, punk and SKA. Their unique style and outlook on music, life, fun, relaxation and happiness is or was a recipe to genius. With the idea of world domination through original and creative music, Pleased to Jive You clearly have their work cut out for them. But that serves as motivation and fuel for their rocketship of greatness. The Canberra dwellers have competed in a few local competitions, placing 1st and 2nd, and getting a couple of other awards and prizes.
Apart from writing and performing their own music, Pleased To Jive You are part of the local soccer/heroes team 'The Krullets', which was the subject of their tastelessly tasteful tune 'Krullet Song'. They also make films, and music, for the local independant company 'Quippurb'.Teaming up with their pals Slovac, Pleased To Jive You gave birth (They were the father, Slovac the mother) to "Digbyfest" an all ages ocassionally occuring event, for which they recieved a praising in the local BMA magazine. Hosted by local celebrity Digby Tomes, Digbyfest has been slowly expanding, and is set to take over the Australian music scene in a few years. Just you wait.
2008 brought the band to new heights. They began independently recording 10 original songs and have continued to write new songs, performing them at local venues both All Ages and 18 +. They soon finished recording, only to never have the recordings released as they were not up to the standard they believed to be ready for public release. After those plans for their first 10 songs to be recorded fell through, PTJY began working on the next set. They recorded a new EP at the tail-end of 2008, for it to be released mid-2009. It will contain 5 songs, all "tonnes good" according to Hayden "man" Quinn. (The 'man' nickname refers to him being the second half of electronica duo "Paqman," he also produced the EP with friend Jonny.)
Pleased to Jive You have been featured in local publications including The Chronicle, various positive mentions in BMA (specifically in the All Ages section) as well as being feautered on band has also performed in live stage shows and musicals, doing a 3-night stint as a backing band for "The Forbidden Planet" in 2007 and writing and performing original music for a 6-show production entitled "Bad Joy Happy Panic" in 2008. Playing in venues all over Canberra, PTJY have performed live as a band over 50 times.
With song titles like 'Motherfuckers Everywhere', 'Paparazzi,' 'Meta-Cognition' and 'RL Stine' (which cracked the top 5 on the Triple J unearthed charts in 2008) you must be thinking 'I'm late!'

Late for what? For having missed witnessing the "overly ambitious, pubescent" Pleased to Jive You. Don't fret, there's still time.
For fan mail, please send to [email protected]
Also do this for hate mail, enquiry mail or any other mail you are in the mood for sending. In fact, why don’t you just send your kids there for day-care? I’ll tell you why, because that email adress is not a tangible estabilishment and simply couldn’t provide your child (or your friend’s child) with the food, shelter and lovin’ that that/those child/children deserve/mongoose.
Hey. Stay away from me.
Morgan Quinn (Guitar/Vocals)
Providing vague, yet emotional lyrics (often nonsensical to the listener), Morgan’s voice can only be described as ’decent’. The chief songwriter in the band, Morgan’s mastered the art of playing difficult rhythms on the guitar whilst singing difficulter rhythms on the vocal-bot. Guitar skills only matched by his band mate (Declan) the manky riffs this boy pulls out are the kind of funked up, jazzed down nice-times you could probably never find anywhere else. Kudos to you, Morgan. Also, there was that time he got tonsillitis. How embarrassing for all involved. Including but not limited to...
Jarrad Stewart (drums)
Famous for his ability to drum, this one is really what gives the band it’s edge. The Sydney Morning Herald described Jarrad’s drumming as ’Hilarious! I cried ’till my eyes stopped working’, ’The most clever movie of this year’ and ’loud’. With arms of pure muscular power, Jarrad once managed to slap a dinosaur unconscious, which may or may not have led to the extinction of their species. His input on the songs has been obvious, through the fifteen minute drum solo he takes in the middle of every song. Unfortunantly, his addiction to drums and all things bangable has contributed greatly to our/their (PTJY's) greatness. Also his muscles are nothing if not impressive. If only his eyes were as cool.
Declan Shrubb (guitar)
Often titled ’the attractive one in the band’ Declan is far from it. And if he is it’s not noticeable, underneath the raw guitar power of this shredding Shrubb. Completely self-taught, Declan’s learnt his way around the fretboard like a blind mole attempting to find a place to curl up and die. His natural ability to produce fast-paced chord progressions and suitable solos has proven fruitful in our search for the new sound. His hair, while possibly being red, is still actually pretty awesome. So everyone can be quiet about that for a moment or two. May she rest in peace. If you see him on the street, please ask him for an autograph -- he loves attention. Especially from people who can readily be described as 'funky horseflies, going buzz buzz.'
Jim Nguyen (bass)
Often mistaken for Flea’s son (even though he looks nothing like him or plays anything like him. I think it’s because they were both born in Australia. I’m not even sure if Jim was born in Australia. Was he? Oh, Ok. Yeah he was.) Jim’s yearning to stray from the script that is music has been a delight to witness. His improvising techniques have developed from random note-shredding to beautiful blues/funk licks, and he always does it with a smile. (by which I mean his face remains neutral throughout any performance -- except that one time he gave Declan some sort of death stare during their performance at Paqman’s album launch). Jim's main feature (his outstanding calf muscles) have remained hidden during the bands entirety. Whether or not they exist is also a question often asked. And often answered with "Please, for God's sake, shut the damn hell up."
Matt P (keys n' shit)
The turkey-like Croatian known by all as "Matt P" was recently recruited by Jive to lend a more turkey-like Croatian colour to their diverse painting palette of blue and red. He reckons his parents are tonnes good cooks, but they can only cook rotten pasta, which is no match for Declan's family, who are so freakin' Italian. I once caught him singing and almost bought a coyote as a result. He's known to get extremely drunk at gigs and ignore his funkboard in favour of clapping for the entire set. A true musical genius, Matt P has mastered the ability of telling people the time. Due to him being so late for joining our band he didn't get to be in the post op documentary thing. He has a pretty mad house, with a lizard and one time I went there with Digby, but Digby's car broke down, so we spent the whole night listening to his Dad's wicked record collection. Matt P is a genius piano player and a beautiful person. When cuddling, he likes to be the little spoon. He eats his mashed potatoes in sauce form and his ending to Platform 6 brings tears to my eyes. Good tears. Tears of erection.
Pleased to Jive You have shared the stage with some great diverse Australian music acts including Adelle, Casual Projects, Paqman, The Republic of Monster Elephante, Sunflower, Super Florence Jam, Rubycon, Juke Baritone & Slovac. They've also shared the stage with some not-so diverse, untalented waste of space bands, who best not be mentioned. You know who you are.
This is a little of the "real" Pleased to Jive You;
Pleased To Jive You - For Mission 1 from PostOp Productions on Vimeo .
And this is our first music video:

My Interests


Member Since: 01/01/2006
Band Members: Morgan Quinn - Guitar/Vocals

Declan Shrubb - Guitar

Jarrad Stewart - Drums

Jim Nguyen - Bass

Matt P - Funkboard

Influences: RHCP
Sergeant James Doakes
Guns N' Roses
Mario Kart
The Mars Volta
The Beatles
The Living End
Will Smith
The Chemical Brothers
Arrested Development
John Mayer
Jazz Music
Life Itself.
Sounds Like: Hmm. The Mars Volta mixed with early era RHCP, some Rage Against the Machine, with a dab of John Mayer, Buckethead, New-age RHCP, John Frusciante solo and of course, a bit of The Darkness thrown in?
Record Label: Cold Shower Records
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Motherfuckers Everywhere video to Jive You's first video. Made by Pleased to Jive You. Starring Pleased to Jive You.Oh yeah, the audio of the song is NOT the final version. In fact,...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Jun 2009 00:16:00 GMT


Who knows if I'm allowed to even tell you this?With Christmas and New years creeping up on us like a horny rapist stalker in the middle of the night, its time for some self reflection and planning for...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Dec 2008 16:42:00 GMT


Unearthed? Of course! Everyone's doing it! Come on, give it a go! If you don't like it you don't have to do it again! Just try it before you criticise it!Unearthed is very much comparable to marijuana...
Posted by on Fri, 02 May 2008 17:05:00 GMT