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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey, so i really hate talking about myself or even describing myself, since im pretty low key,I figured that the best way to describe me is from those around me. So read up on the comments some of my friends made about me and see what you think.
Kim(Total Sweet Heart): "an incredibly sweet guy who is willing to drive to CT only to go back home and hang out. Who will always be there for you, to laugh, cry,and bitch. A wonderful photographer, who always ends up making you look way better than you probably do. Haha. Will introduce you to new and wonderful things!"
Vicky(?): "a man needs a woman.............."
Dima(Drunken Ukrainian Ass, he is not gay he's "Euro"): "gay"
Vienne(A.D.D.(kidding on the A.D.D.part)chinese girl, but very smart, caring and beautiful): "Tony is a loveable guy, he is funny and smart.. but just a little lazy, umm... but you can always count on him, for a hand + ear + a great discount for wherever retail chain he's working ".
Roberta(Shes Brazilian! that says it all): "The first thing you'll notice about Tony is that he's a special person. He's a rebel angel, good friend and a "crazy" driver (my opinion, that doesn't mean bad driver). It's been a while since I left the US and we haven't seen each other since then but we're still good "virtual" friends. So come visit me in Rio!!! Beijos, Roberta, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil".
Natalia(Now she's the lil pain in the ass sister I always wanted): "ur a very good friend and u helpd me a tonyyyyyyyyy no me presiones estoi se, es divertido andar contigo i pistear...i siempre te kejas de ke kieres un karro jajaja i una morra".
Tony(This kid drinks like it was a competitive sport! Great guy and sales person, go see him at Herb Chambers Honda-Boston): "dude, you're a man of your word, you say something, you actually stick to it and go all the way. you're pretty blunt, i like that. say it like it is. it's the only way to go".
Erin(This woman lives of coffee, cigarettes and alcohol, how she is living is beyond me): "Funny, fast talking, keep it real friend, always there to save ya".
Vincent(Asian black market thats all i gotta say): "Striaght forward, open minded, free thinking, and one honest fawker lol".
Michelle(Crazy animal lady): Very few honestly nice guys are still left in this world... Tony is definetely one of them. He is also slightly weird, whiny, and obsessive in all the right amounts... which makes him cute and worthy of being in my presence.
Ok so there is more friend commentary to come, but after listening to them I actualy came up with stuff to say about myself and ill just type in the exact order it pops up in my head. Now I hope you can tell that im a laid back and open minded person down to earth person who tries to keep it real. I'm really open to all people of different ages,genders, races, ethnic backgrounds, cutlural backgrounds, personalities and mentalies, look at it this way if you have an open mind we'll get along just fine. Another way that I look at people is "I dont care what your background is, hell you could even be a murderer for all i care(extreme scenario) we're cool, until you try to kill me, then WE have PROBLEMS, other wise were cool", other then that im really easy to talk to though I might not start talking to you until i get to know you, but after that its all over I can talk!
Example(true life example): i always tell my friend Ashley im shy, she always replies "You are so not shy", i guess all i need is one good intro to a person??
Now if you have read this far and are wondering about my background well im Latino, ethnicaly 1/2 Mexican 1/2 Colombian, born in Boston (no, no Bostonian accent for me, THANK JESUS!(said in spanish)) but I do have a Mexican accent(when speaking in spanish), I got my B/A at Umass Boston, and was an Art Studio Major(no this doesn't mean I like to draw) with Concentrations (like minors but not really) in Latino Studies and Asian American Studies. Currently not doing anything in my field just an "artist" trying to find his calling. As far as interest go I'm pretty much open to anything as long as Im around good people. Anything else you would like to know about me feel free to ask, i actualy enjoy talking.
OK OK one last thing to describe "me" (yes i can actualy talk about me OK OK I still hate it but hey now im on a creative artistic role) 2 Adjectives to describe me so I've heard are "Crazy" and "Silly"
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I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

< OK!OK! I'm just looking for cool, creative, open minded people, who are either laid back or outgoing, people that keep it real! nothing wrong with making new friends right?? I'm just looking for new faces and places that will inspire my creative ideas along with possibly open my eyes to new cultural experiences.
OK!OK! not to be sexist to the guys but the ladies are prefered! for three simple reasons:
1)They are more pleasing to my eyes
2)I tend to think they have more to say
3)If I ever need a shoulder to cry on I'm NOT running to my guy friends!
So what that really means is that I'm looking for cool lady friends, who are open minded, sweet, caring, can be out going, funny, smart, weird, hahaha basicaly just be fun and real.
But hey if she happens to turn out to be a beautiful/cute girl with all those characteristic listed above. and then something turns into more then just something(by this i mean a relationship! Peverts!), there will be NO complaints here(And now I am in a relationship, but since I found my orginal wording to be much like my quirky personality, I am not changing it, though I will say that, that "something" will only be kept as friends") .
By the way I'm a sucker for sweet, caring and outgoing Artsy chics =)
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