..The Rules: simple and compiled for your easy access.1.Being moral is not a skill, you will recieve no additional credit for it.2.If your fake, I'll know it..and you'll be gone.3.Don't piss and moan over your placement in my top friends, cause you'll just stay where you are. I will however name a pimple on my ass in your honor.4.Hate mail is more than welcome, but please..use your damn spell check. I'm compiling all of them for a future blog.5. You will be offended at some point, in some way. Sit back, relax and enjoy it..if you can't, see rule 4.6. No I will not read your new poem, unless I like you..but I'm sure it's lovely.7.If your display picture is a flashing montage of you at cute angles...don't you fucking dare click "add me"...just back away before I come looking for you.8.If your account is phished on a regular basis (the only acception is for the guys in Iraq) I will delete you, until you come up with a better damn password and I don't get your junk.
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Bondage duck