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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

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I'm a real laid back person. Im in know rush to get things done. My dad Died last year 10 days before my birthday, Because some asshole had to drink a drive... Now he's gone it sucks I dont no what to do with myself.. I got into trouble after he died because i didnt know how to release the anger without hurting anyone now im all alone.... :'( ...... I just recently I got a tattoo for him so take a look at my pics and check it out its really cool I think he would love it. So Back to Me Im about 6"1, Brown Hair, Blue eye's, yea im a really friendly person, a really easy person to get along with. I moved to Kalamazoo to try a new start... I had a little trouble in the past, now i'm here trying to make a new start if thiers any girls out their that wanna help me with my other problem give me a holla!

My Interests

My interests are trying to meet new people in Kalamazoo. I really dont know anyone so if you in the Kalamazoo area hit me up! Just tryin to make some friends... But other wise I like working on Car steros, I learned from the best My cousin Rhet from Manistee He owns Traffic Jamz in East Lake, And I like to play a little basketball, and hanging out with my homies

I'd like to meet:

Their is shit loads of people i would like to meet like 50cent, Tupac if the nigga wasn't dead, Twista, D-Block, shit loads more i'll just list a couple... I think you can see im moslty listen to Rap, It's just somthing about it that i love. I listen to other but...... yeah
Music Video: Get Buck by (Young Buck)
Music Video: Music


I listen to alot or rap, I really dont listen to anything else but I will if I have to... But i rather not. Theirs just somthing about rap that I love I think it might be the bass, the bass makes everything thats why i love car stero's the louder the bass the better, Go Big or Go Home!!!!


I like alot of movies, but i would have to say that Action/Comedy movies like Scare Face, Tommy Boy, Friday movies, Empier Records, All about the Benjamins, I also like some horror movies if thats what ya call them, like Saw 1 and Saw 2, The ring, and some more but they are'nt coming to me, theise are some of my favorites...


My favorite TV show would have to be (The Simpsons, Family Guy, Wonder Showzen, Stanker Vision, Yo Momma, Robot Chicken, Friends, & BET Music Videos.. Theise are some of my more faviorte shows on TV thier all the shit i love every Adult swim programs, smoke some and sit back and laugh your ass off all night....)


My hero would have to be the Incredible Hulk... Because who's big scary and Green, THE HULK!