My name is Adam Richard Evers:) i was born MARCH 22nd 1990&hearts i play guitar for a band called "Disco Valentine" and write everything for another band called "Golden Kiss For Lovers" just released my first cd called "Um....?" I Play rugby. anything in the forward position i've played it even prop dunno how i did it but i pulled it off. i also play football. to be honest not to big on it. I play corner, linebacker, and tightend. Musics my life. i'm a simple kid but everyone makes me seem complicated. i'm not a slut infact i don't really hook up with anyone. seriously what most people think it actually untrue. i usually chill with girls but that doesn't mean anything i have to much respect to actually do anything with them. Really i'd rather be a friend then fuck you and not be your friend anymore. common sense. i love not knowing what life throws at you. sometimes it fuckin sucks but hey it's life and it just makes you feel alive. i go to concerts non stop and really puts a dent in my bank funds no joke but what ever i enjoy every minute of it. i love love. seriously love is the greatest thing in the world and seriously never give up on it cause if you do whats the point of living then. skateboarding is my life plain and simple. i surf in cali, flordia and d rep. i snowboard but barley anymore. wakeboard every now and then not really tho. but skateboarding has helped me threw everything just like music. even when it's snowing and there a footof snow on the ground i'll shovle a hole block of snow away and just start skating or just skate inside someplace like work or my garage. drugs are gross i hate them they are the worst thing to ever make it's way into civilation. alcohol i'll admit it i use to drink every day but nah not anymore maybe a beer once and a while but like nothing. learn from your mistakes and never do that shit afuckinggainmy email is
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