I'm Justin. I'm a psych major at UMR. Little Rolla, Missouri. Not exactly what one thinks of when they think big psychology schools, but it's what I'm here for. I'll be graduating in May, and then moving on to Washington University in St. Louis. It's a phenomenal school, and it provides a fantastic opportunity for me.
Saying that music is my passion is still a huge understatement. Music is a part of me; I can't make it through a day without either playing or listening to music.
I've been playing violin for almost 10 years and piano for a few months. There are some other instruments I'd love to learn, but those are the focuses right now.
I've been with the same man for a little over a year now, and couldn't be happier. We'll be going to St. Louis together after I graduate, and we'll definitely have many healthy years ahead of us!