My Blog
I have always been told that things you love most in life don't come easy. I have always been told that no matter what happens, you will always have family and friends to fall back on.My heart aches f...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Apr 2009 12:57:00 GMT
My Hand Searches For Your Hand
Where are you now? Why did you have to leave so soon?Everyday, I wonder where you are and just what your doing in that big, spacious palace in the sky with Jesus at your side. I wonder if your fishin...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Feb 2009 18:01:00 GMT
Hold On Tight
As I sit here, reclined and tryin to be at ease, many thoughts are jumbled in my head making it very hard to process things that should be relatively easy to think through.Most people don't realize wh...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 17:19:00 GMT
She watches her dreams build up; only to watch them collapse before her again.Her mind dances in various dream landsthat are there to keep her sane.Glimpse her way.Suicide is written within her sillho...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Dec 2008 19:42:00 GMT
Thick Skin
My beautiful, fearful, friend.I know that life is tough, I know that it throws punches at you that you never want to deal with. Things are hard and times are tough and in this era, good people are har...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Dec 2008 01:10:00 GMT
What would provoke a man to give His life for everyone else on earth, especially since we are undeserving? Pheraps, it was His undying love for everyone who will ever grace this earth, even thou...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 04:05:00 GMT
Is this a dream?
Many things run through my mind on a constant daily stream. I wonder why things are the way they are, why the people I have met turned to be the people they are now. There will never be a straight for...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 04:17:00 GMT
The Impossible is Possible
My heart still aches from day to day with the pain of you being gone.I'll never have another like you in my life, ever.People may come and people may go but no one can ever measure up to you.When I th...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 18:16:00 GMT
God Of Strength, Our Weakness Shows
The lyrics to a Leeland song and a few words from a JSB blog have sparked something beautiful in my heart. People are always wondering why so many christian songs sound like love songs. As JSB stated ...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Aug 2008 03:07:00 GMT
Beauty From Pain
August 21, 2007, an epic began. "Dude, i love your belt." "Ugh, thanks?"Our first converation. When I saw you, you sparkled in my eyes. You stood out from the rest because you had a sense of individua...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Jul 2008 20:40:00 GMT