sWimMing, voLLeybaLL, ListeNing to muSic, Dancing, sh0pping when i have time and m0ney!hehe.., be with my magaLp0ks cLan (miss them everyday!).. f00d.. baked macar0ni, spag, R0ast sPare ribs, Fries, c0FFee, m0CCa frappuccin0, javaniLLa shake, big chiLL..tempuRa.. jamaican paties.. basta f00d!hahaha... sarap!=) and aLs0 to sUrpRise my marL0n eveRytime we meet.. spenD quaLity time w/ my b00 and my famiLy (sharing st0ries w/ them).. maKing TheM HaPpy..
mmm, ac2aLLy anyb0dy wiLL d0 except f0r "sumbater0, Laiter0, feeLing, hyp0cRite, s0ciaL cLimber, plaStik..
RnB, aCousTic, tRance, hiPh0p, aLternaTive (NeveR Let U g0.. w/0ut u..rEaS0n..) s0metimes, it depenDs 0n my m00D..
AndRe, Matrix, Forrest Gump, The Others, Sweetest Thing, The Ring 0,1,2.. The GrudGe 1&2, The Phone, Harry P0tter.. The Passi0n 0f Christ.. LegaLLy bLonde.. CharLie's AngELs.. FaCe 0FF.. The N0teB00k.. fLight pLan..daTe m0vie..
The Book of Answers(buy this b00k and pr0mise uL be amazed), Chicken Soup for the SouL. angels and Dem0ns.. Da Vinci C0De.. The N0teB00k..