Ten Top Trivia Tips about Lindsay!
The only Englishman to become Lindsay was Nicholas Breakspear, who was Lindsay from 1154 to 1159!The fingerprints of Lindsay are virtually indistinguishable from those of humans, so much so that they could be confused at a crime scene.Pacman was originally called Lindsayman!Ancient Chinese artists would never paint pictures of Lindsay.Twenty-eight percent of Microsoft's employees are Lindsay!In Vermont, the ratio of cows to Lindsay is 10:1.New Zealand was the first place to allow Lindsay to vote.Lindsay is 1500 years older than the pyramids!The horns of Lindsay are made entirely from hair.Edinburgh imports three thousand kilograms of Lindsay every year!
I am interested in - do tell me aboutAND IT GOES A LITTLE SOMETHING LIKE THIS...What can I say? I love to have fun and fun loves to have me. I have this funny habit of quoting movies that I've never seen and it drives my friends crazy. Did most of my growing up in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Graduate from Chapman University a year ago, and now I'm back in school, because being a big girl is overrated. Just moved into a BEAUTIFUL house with three wonderful girls and I have one of the most distinguishable laughs in history. No, seriously, you can hear me a mile away.LOVES...
animals (even the icky ones), being a girl, muay thai kickboxing/Brazilian Jiu Jitsu/MMA, frozen cool whip, warm weather, the word "nougat", really really hot showers Finding Nemo, thunderstorms,Old Navy $3 flip flops, having my hair played with, late-night adventures, zoos, the new car scent, being goofy, boys...boys...and more boys, singing in my car, board games, laughing until i can't anymore, airplanes, coffee, trying wierd new things, John Grisham novels, Victoria's Secret Love Spell, spicy food, chapstick, post-its, plumerias, frosted mini wheats, sweats on lazy sundays, and slurpeesNOT-SO-LOVES...
being late, cauliflower, hangnails, walking in heels, getting sand in my bathing suit, humidity, old people that think they can still drive, broken promises, bug bites, computers because they never seem to do what i want them to, these new trendy shoes that look like the ones jesus wore, those awkward silences, peas, random construction ladders on the freeway, closed-toes shoes, those itches on your back you can't ever reach, disappointing people, hangovers, fog, telemarketers, and blue books.
Yeah that's pretty much me in a nutshell. Wanna know anything else i suggest you ask...div style="position:absolute;..;left:0px;top:0px;width:150px;hei
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