Travese City, MI West BayTART TrailSo close but it just wasn't enough! This is our "taking a dump" face, whats yours?LCC Golf Fundraiser 2006href=" QuY29tLw==" target="_blank" I would crazy not to! Michigan Ave. Lansing, MI 2006
Anyone with passion. Passion drives people to do great and scary things. These are the people that are changing this world. I'm not so excited for the people who are waiting for the world to end. Its not going to happen anytime soon, so enjoy some moments before you turn to dust.
Classic rock is my passion. zepplin, clapton, black sabbath...
The Life Aquatic, Big Lebowski, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Tarantino films, Lord of the Rings, Boonedock Saints, Snatch, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Matrix (first one), Saving Private Ryan,Troy(dialog lacking at times),Gladiator, Cube, Rushmore, Caddyshack,Smokin Aces
Movies, movies and more movies...commercials will be the end of me!
Indian in the Cupboard :) The Truth needs no ally.
War Photographers: These people go to great lengths to show the world what is happening on the other side. Lives are given, to show truth. I respect that! Everyone trying to grow not allowing pop culture show you who you are. Its about the experiences...what are yours?