i want to look like this:
♥Rebecca Bruce,The Best Friend.
♥Natasha Rawling,The Perfect One.
♥Harriet Jackson, The One I Turn To.
♥Estelle Foilleret, The One i laugh with.
♥Matthew Rawlinson, The Best Boy.
♥Rebecca Koppit, The Sister.
♥Sarah Howson, The bus child.
♥ Laura Kirkby, the police child.
♥Ellen Palmer, the mini me.
♥Emma Stennett, the dillhole.
♥Aimee Bose, the en cloche.
♥Rosie Henderson, the ginger one.
♥Ella Sisso, the gay one.
♥Brittany Field, the holiday one.
♥Charlotte Noon, the bukcet one.
♥Benjamin Koppit, the brother one.
♥Stanley Somerville, the geek one.
♥Jordan Kennedy, the druggy one.
♥Joe Haswell, the hilarious one.
♥Kimberley Fry, the lesbian one.
♥Alice Harvey, the old times one.
♥Mikey, the lovely one.
♥Harry Dowdeswell, the....?... one?
♥Liam Keyes the like that one.
♥Beth Morton, my chavvy one.
♥Chloe, my town one.
♥Nadine Oakes, my pizza cooking one.
♥Sophie Sage, my drunkard one.
♥Cloey, the other drunkard one.
♥Ella Sutton, the safe as one.
♥Courtney Parrish, the ICT one.
♥Daisy Baldwin, the drama one.
♥Holly Slater, the ugly maths one.
♥David, the idiot child.
♥Mark Wallace,the pretend brother.
♥James Moore, the one my dogs named after.
♥THE FAMILY, the best ones.