Football, Basketball, Baseball, Bowling, Golf, Track, Movies, Bonfires, camping, watersports, tv, eating and drinking, Hanging out with the people i love the most.
Hopefully ill be able to travel to more places when im older.
Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Derek Lee, Adam Sandler, Will Ferrell, Dane Cook, The Rock, Ray Lewis, Denzel Washington, Jim Carrey, Ben Stiller, Jack Black. Chuck Liddell
R&B, Rap, Rock, Alternative, Emo, Some Country, i actually care about the vocals and the words used in songs.
Comedy, Action, Horror, Suspense....I love movies and will always be a huge movie goer.
One Tree Hill, most everything on MTV, sports, Miami Ink, sitcoms, i watch some much of it i cant really put everything down
I dont really enjoy reading at all, so i cant say i have any books i would want to say i read
Michael Jordan, My mom, My brother.