In no particular order; writing, computers, camping, fishing, late night drives, shooting pool, college football, UFC, bowling, softball, golf, working out, hangin' with my boys, and all the stuff I know I'm leaving out.
I was raised on country and southern rock, but, man, I'll listen to anything it seems. On any given day you could pull all six CDs outta my stereo in my Jeep and you'd find a mix of everything.
I'm not really a fan of slasher flicks, but I like almost everything else. My favorite types would probably be those epic/historical movies and chick flicks. Weird combo, I know. But what can I say I love history and I'm a sucker for romance.
The History Channel, Animal Planet, and the Discovery Channel. That's about it.
Biographies of interesting people, historical books, and conspiracy books.
My dad is pretty much my hero. He was the worst a man could be. My mom put it all on the line and told him to give up the wild ways and calm himself or lose the family. From there on out, until the day he died, he became the best a man could be. The man he became is who I strive to be. A selfless man. A strong yet gentle man. I talk to him almost everyday, even if it's just a glance upwards and a quick hello. I feel like he talks to me, too. Often in the times I find myself struggling and wondering what to do next, and I have the answer come to me. I like to believe that's my dad helping his boy out.