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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I love sleeping - I work at an airline and hate flying, oh irony - I hate flying, but still manage to get myself on an airplane everytime - While most people assume I'm not, I'm actually very romantic - I love new & cool things, until everyone does - I belong to the group of 22 year olds without a driving license - I hate showing off, except when I'm drunk - I'm mister play-it-safe - I hate when people don't answer their phone - I don't always answer my phone - I love night-time - I love big foreign cities - I smoke - I hate people that feel sorry for themselves or complain 24/7 - I watch the news all day long, which isn't exactly a good thing these days - I'm one of those persons you'll probably never get mad - I can fall in love in merely seconds - I strongly dislike Apple and Tarantino-hyperia, though I own an iPod and quite a few Tarantino-dvd's - I try to know alot about everything - I'm shit scared of eyecontact with strangers - I can make the wrong choice without regrets - I love lightning - I don't snore and still proud of it! - I can handle tons of stress, but for limited time - I listen to the loudest & wildest forms of music on the planet, yet I'm a silent type - I'm a sucker for rare stuff - I like being alone - I don't think I'm very creative, although most people say I am - I've never started anything and finished it properly - I can handle a scary lot of graphic content, except animals suffering - I have a hard time keeping my face straight when reading something funny at work - I blush for ridiculous reasons - I don't like beer or whisky - I feel tinkly when someone touches my back accidently - I don't like watching any sports at all - I postpone - I pay my rent a week up front - I can't say "no" - I create goals, and forget about them a few days later - I always worry whether people think I'm friendly or not - I pretend to be sleeping while I'm not - I love driving on a sunny afternoon with some good music - I'm still planning on getting my motor license, dispite being fully aware of the risks - I've been obsessed with trains, trucks, airplanes, cars, and lately airplanes again - I collected all stickers from the '98 World Cup without seeing a single match - I really want to learn how to play the piano - I can't take a piss standing next to someone - I visit over 40 times a day - I honestly prefer romance over sex - I'm in love with big loungy interiors - I started blogging 3 times, yet never got further than 3 entries - I always try to avoid looking like a tourist when travelling, unaware that the camera actually says it all - I'm great at quizzes - I'm addicted to HoneyPops and pancakes with cheese - I always tell people to try pancakes with cheese after they say "eeew", but they never do - I can skip a night of sleep and have no one notice it - Although I've always wanted to be a bit different, I do whatever it takes to appear normal

My Blog

Jesus, not the laptop!

So, it's final now, my Sony Vaio is fucked. More specifically, the harddrive cracked down. And that's a bit of a problem, since most of my work was done on it (my desktop runs C4D, but takes twice as ...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 08:05:00 GMT

Malaysia & Singapore

Yes!, it's been confirmed; in April I'm going to Singapore & Malaysia!  We'll arrive in Singapore first, stay there for 2 days, then head for Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), where we'll also stay fo...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 16:12:00 GMT


Some of you may know, others won't: last sunday my one & only love An passed away. On Octobre 12th she suffered from a severe brain haemorrhage, and got in a coma. Last wednesday she had emergency...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 08:09:00 GMT


YIIIHA! Leaving tonight for the one & only Dour-festival!
Posted by on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 00:17:00 GMT