Hi, thanks for stopping by.I play keyboards and a bit of guitar and I help my partner Fiona Oakes look after over 400 rescued animals at Tower Hill Stables Animal Sanctuary. I also work full time for the Bank of New York Mellon in Brentwood.
I release music CD's, sometimes from great heights, and time how long it takes them to reach the ground.
I also release music CD's in the name of Yak (my band) to raise funds for the feed costs of the rescued animals at Tower Hill Stables.
I have made 4 albums so far, the most recent is called "Journey of the Yak" & if you google that you will find lots of info about it on various websites everywhere.
We have sold 300 copies so far & raised several thousand pounds for the animals - The band has covered all the production costs privately & I pay for all the postage & packing for each one sold, so everything recieved goes to the animals.
Check out www.myspace.com/yaktunes for samples & there is also a paypal button that will allow donations to be made for the purchase of any Yak albums
I love the Lake District & attempt to get there at least every other lifetime.
I am the webmaster for 3 websites
www.towerhillstables.com www.yaksongs.com
I have been vegetarian for 15 years & am trying to go Vegan - about 96% there now
I don't know where the time goes, I have looked for it everywhere. If you find it, please mail me
Due to recent unprecidented levels of spamming I have been forced to adjust the settings so that bands cannot send me friend requests. Send me a message guys - I'll add you if I like you - but please read my profile first & if I don't like that sort of thing I won't add you - it's simple really :0)