How you see me is your own perception. Usually that begins here as a picture unless you actually know me. Even some of those that know me don't, can't or won't understand or accept me as the wonderful woman I am. They say I ask for too much. Who wouldn't when it means being yourself?
An enigma is one that is puzzling, ambiguous or inexplicable. I don't feel like I should be labeled enigmatic but I guess I should be grateful because I have been called much worse. Although terms and labels don't truly define any of us they can still hurt when directed at a tender spot.
I try to ignore labels that people cast upon me. I mean look what "ignore" is a root of....ignorance. I do my best to practice ignorance upon the ignorant and the arrogant. They just don't work in my life. If that makes me as ignorant as I get, I still feel good about myself in comparison to the masses of asses that are actually going to vote republican for the rest of their lives!
What am I? I identify myself primarily as an animal of the humankind, female in nature and anatomy.
I wish some of you would catch up. It would make life that much less painful for the rest of us. I wouldn't have to explain so much of myself either. I know that would make my life a bit more comfortable.
Do you really think God intended any of us to fucking hate, righteously judge our morality, gender or sexuality, discriminate, kill each other, steal a child's innocence or force our religious beliefs down each others throat?
The message I was taught was all about peace, love and forgiveness and I don't see enough of that going on. I hear it and read about but I don't see it being put into practice. I try my hardest to practice these virtues but I have zero tolerance for stupid people but apparently they are everywhere and growing in numbers.
So many people think that their job is to right all the wrongs of the world before they practice peace, love or forgiveness. The only wrong we should right is ourselves if we're a problem to anybody including ourselves.
Fundamental people are fucking up this planet. They're not fun but they are mental.
I'm not going to settle for less, shrink or play small as Marrianne Williamson says in "Our Deepest Fears" in "Return To Love." Ironically a religious figure but not of the fundamental persuasion...i hope.
I am out here living my life without sacrificing a dream for me or my children, trying to figure out what the heck is going on and what I can do to help and make things better for all of us.
What are you doing?
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What type of person do you attract? Your Result:
You attract artsy people! Those free spirited artists with great imaginations find you interesting. They are usually interesting themselves, so its not a bad thing, but they CAN be a bit wifty and choose odd goals. If you like life to always be a bit 'different' from the norm, but not too extreme in any one direction, these are the people for you. If you seek logical decision making skills and good money management, you may want to change something in the way you appear. Artsy people are fun for adventure and exploring, so, have fun!