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Ann Marie

I am here for Friends

About Me

~ Laughter, my family and friends, confirmed bachelorette, plays well with others, a love for margaritas and good music to enjoy the ride. ~ - Myspace Codes ..Myspace Contact Tables

My Interests

~ Play time is determined by the weather, who's asking and how much it'll cost.. tennis, movies, dinner, bar/club, intimate settings, being tattooed. I love board games and play often with my son.. Blokus, Othello, HiQ, Mancala, Battleship, UpWords and Yatzee. Truthfully, I'm very easy to please and usually enjoy myself doing just about anything ~

Ford Mustang

You're an American classic -- fast, strong, and bold. You're not snobby or pretentious, but you have what it takes to give anyone a run for their money.
"Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.

I'd like to meet:

~ HAPPY, nice, HAPPY, outgoing, HAPPY, sincere, HAPPY people... did I forget happy?? There are way too many negative people around. These people are unhealthy and I do not want to be around miserable people, or have my son subjected to their madness as well,, that's one reason why I divorced my ex-husband. Let's find a way to get all of the miserable people together far, far away from the happy people until they realize they suck and are evil and want to change,, and then, and only then will they be allowed back into the happy society,, but only after they've proven that the stick that was once stuck in their ass that made them so miserable has been dislodged.. hahaha,, just kidding,, well, not really. So cool people, nice people, genuine people,, you know what I mean. ~
Which Tarot Card Are You?

You are the Empress card. The Empress is the archetype of the Mother. She creates and nurtures life. She represents the abundance of Mother Earth. The Empress is capable of using nature in a productive way. She espouses art for art's sake. Her planet is Venus, and she embodies love of beauty and a strong value system. Here is also found initial sensation. This is the first really physical experience of the world that The Fool has entered. The Empress has a rich understanding of the world based on her five senses. In a reading, The Empress represents pregnancy, actual or metaphorical. She indicates an act of creation and a sensual experience of beauty. The Empress is a nurturing force that wishes to see the product of her experiences reach the next stage of development. Image from A Photographic Tarot Deck
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~ The music I listen to depends on my frame of mind.. metal, rock, or dance music when I'm excited or relentless,, captivating music when I need to focus,, Oldies are great at any time.. eclectic is a good description of my taste in music ~
Which Flower are You?

You are a Carnation:You are friendly, energetic, cheerful, and bubbly. You love being around people. Outgoing and talkative, you rarely meet a stranger. Others feel at ease around you because of your playful nature.Symbolism: In Victorian times carnations were given to show fascination with another. They also symbolize friendship and whimsicalness.
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I definitely am starstruck, that's for darn sure.. from Shia and Leo to Ed Norton and Tommy Lee Jones,,, yumm!! ~ I've enjoyed many movies over the years so when I see a movie I like I'll buy it so I can watch it again... from dramatic [The Departed], to hilarious [Talladega Nights],, I just love stupid humor,,, cover your eyes scary, but only if I have someone to watch it with [Saw],, to kid flix [TRANSFORMERS]~Your mouth

You are incredibly sensual, a great kisser and a seductive lover. You drive all of your partners crazy with your mouth.

Take this quiz at


~ Comedy, Judicial/forensic medical shows, ..aries, drama... since it's usually late when I get the opportunity to sit and watch tv, it's whatever my mood calls for ~ What's your style?

You are Suave. You're attractive both psyically and mentally. You use your abilities to attract anyone you desire.

'What is your seduction style?' at


~ I finally finished the DaVinci Code,, it was alright,, it started to really hold my interest after chapter 80. I've done a couple quick reads since but nothing is really keeping me interested so if you have any suggestions, please feel free to recommend. I still do best with magazines when I have some extra time... Redneck World, Tattoo, hair mags ~


~ My mother, she's my inspiration and my angel here on Earth ~

Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

The eSPIN Personality Test


You can't be a better person than a saint. You're selfless, sweet, and we wouldn't be surprised if you could perform a miracle or two.

Of all the personality types on this test, yours is by far the most respectable. We mean, how couldn't everyone love you?

Just remember, though - as nice as it is to help other people, sometimes you gotta help yourself a little, too. Don't be afraid to be a little selfish every now and then. Seriously! We give you permission.

Take This Quiz!

My Blog


I've been tagged by Elizabeth :)     Each person starts with seven random fact/habits about themselves.  People who get tagged need to write their own blog about their seven things as ...
Posted by Ann Marie on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 10:00:00 PST


It's a new year,,, please remember to thank those who have helped you help yourself, spread a little laughter to those who need some happiness, show love to those who are lone...
Posted by Ann Marie on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 09:28:00 PST

Dear Santa

Thanks Roy,,  I'll admit I added a lil somehting-sumthin to some... hmmm, I wonder which..     Dear Santa, I wud like a kool toy space ranjur fer Xmas. Iv ben a gud boy ...
Posted by Ann Marie on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 02:04:00 PST

Family dinner

Dinner was at 3pm sharp and it went like this...~There was an "adult" table, and then a folding table or two lined up against the adult table for the kids.~Dishes and silverware were put on the table ...
Posted by Ann Marie on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 01:48:00 PST

Today's Lesson

Posted by Ann Marie on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 10:04:00 PST

Tag, I'm It!

I was tagged by Sex and Candy   Here are the rules&   Mention the person who tagged you giving a picture and a link to their page.   Next, list six things that turn you on&using pictu...
Posted by Ann Marie on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 08:48:00 PST

more about me

I just had someone dear (::wink::) jog other fond memories... visiting my grandparents on my mother's side who lived in Brooklyn at the time.  They had one of those houses where you had thre...
Posted by Ann Marie on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 02:48:00 PST

About me

I grew up in a close-nit family and really miss the get-togethers we used to have.. for birthdays or holidays, barbeques, or just Sunday dinners with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, a family ...
Posted by Ann Marie on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 09:20:00 PST