I teach Kindergarten. Obsessed with The Hernandez Brothers, The Cure, Clint Eastwood, coffee and coffee beans. I want to be a real life Chapulin Colorado (the basis for the Simpsons 'Bumble Bee Man' ), 'cept not as dumb, I just wanna wear the costume.
I guess I'm an artist, though I feel really weird and pretentious saying it-- arteest sounds better. I mean I can draw and paint all right, but it's not just about skills, I know people who lack skills but their stuff has soul. I don't think my art has much soul (maybe the stuff I did on the Colombian civil war does, I dunno).
I'm still trying to figure this whole adult thing out. I've been a kid all my life, it's all I know how to be, and now I'm expected to be something else?
Coming to terms with being a minority amongst a minority in American culture (huh?). Benjamin Franklin Pierce said it best "a man without two countries", yeah, something like that. If you want to get an idea of what i'm like, think Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes, Charlie Brown, and Ray Dominguez and Maggie the Mechanic from Love and Rockets. Yeah, I said Maggie, y que?
Oh, and this too...
The Mission- 1986