Living a life that imitates the life of Jesus Christ, Andrew Glass, family, friends, church, shopping, movies, music, Broadway, computers, singing (I am a self proclaimed expert at it - hehe! Actually my friends tell me I have singing tourretes.), and you (maybe...who are you??).
New peeps, old acquaintances, and I can't wait to meet my Savior face to face!
I like a wide range of music. Pretty much like it all except country, rap, and intense classical stuff. Some of my favorite bands/musicians are David Crowder Band, Watermark, Third Day, Jars of Clay, Switchfoot, Lifehouse, Darlene Czsech (Hillsong); Frank Sinatra, Josh Groban, Jack Johnson, Evanescence.
My all time favorites are: Ever After, The Patriot, Radio, Remember the Titans, The Others, Runaway Bride, While You Were Sleeping, Phantom of the Opera, and Napoleon Dynamite. These are the ones worth watching over and over again. Which I do!!!
CSI NY, TLC shows(What Not to Wear, Trading Spaces, Baby Story, Wedding Story, Dating Story etc...), ER, Andy Griffith, I Love Lucy
I HATE to read! The only books I have ever read and liked a lot was Lets Roll and another one called Unlikely Angel. Those are two really good books. If I am going to read, it's going to have to be non-fiction. I don't like reading all that made up stuff! Oh and by the way...The Bible is a really good one. You should read it!
My Parents; many of my close friends; Andrew Glass; Darlene Czsech; Curious George.