Well, not much to say about me, I'm a typical guy, with typical needs. I can be a major asshole, but at the same time be a nice guy (lmao) I have friends that can vouch for either or :P I love listening to lots of different music, but you can check out my interests section for that ;) New About Me:
I've discovered a lot about myself this past year or so (2006-2007) and have learned more of what I like, and what I want, now that I've been free from high school for over a year. I'm no longer the pompous, selfish rude bastard that I used to be, I like talking to people now, and I as a person have changed drastically. My friends here who knew me before 2006 was over can tell you, I have made lots of changes. I'm leaving the about me up there ^ because it is a reminder of the old me, yes I can still be an ass at times, but in a way it's different, I don't go looking for trouble anymore, and I can confront it better too. These changes I've experienced, I do not owe to myself, but to my family, and friends, some of which I will mention shortly. Even in the last few weeks (May-June) I've experienced some major changes, that I definitely like and do not plan on changing back anytime soon. So anyway, thanks for paying attention and putting up with my silly ramblings and enjoy the rest of your day ;)_______________________________________________________
You may call me Kiki if you wish, but only a few people know what it's for and use it correctly xD; If there is such a thing o.o;;; Oh wellz xD Here Is where I send Cici, Kaka, Koko, Soi, Misa, Yoyo and yes, even Hihi mah lurve! I lurve you all!
Cici: You're like a sista to me, and a best bud and confidant. You're always helping me, we always have a good laugh together, hell even now on webcam we're laughing our asses off xD. You're always there for me, even when I sometimes act like an ass xD;. And I know I'll always do my best to be there for you ^-^ Much lurve to mah Cici! Kaka: Psh xD Kaka is mah secret German lover o.o; Although I guess that's not so secret no more huh o.o; Anywhoo, in the short (seems short anyway) time we've known each other, I feel like we've become pretty good friends xD I can already tell you tons of stuffs i cant tell other ppls, blah blah etc etc xD Kaka, me lurves you! (asjndakjsndajsbfnajskfnajsndajsna ajsnda,s !)
Koko: You're our Kokokitty lawl. Yes we had a short affair T_T But it was fun while it lasted huh ;) Anywhoo, Koko is a damn good gamer i can tell XD. Much lurve to you Kokokitty o.o/
Soi: I lurve talking to you on vent, can't believe how easily you make me laugh (don't worry it's a good thing ;)) And we just have a great time! Glad I was able to meet ya and talkz to ya, cause you're such a good buddeh :) *hugs* Misa: I'm your permanent bodyguard for liek the rest of all tiemz lawlz o_o Well, Me and my Bear anyway xD We'll pwn all those who threaten you and those damned stalker bots T_T We'll punish them one day!!!! Misa you be so much fun to play with XD *hugs* Yoyo: Yoyo, I've known you for bloody ages xD Ever since I first came on here way back in mid 2005, that means I've known you two years! Same thing with Cici actually :P. We had our good start, havin fun, livin' tha life xD Then things got a little shaky, drama appeared, hasn't left yet unfortunately. Even you and I have had our ups and downs, but we're here now, still bests of the bests :3 No matter what happens you truly are a great friend to me, and I love ya to death Hihi: Oh God o_o last but not least it's you. I could write a laundry list about your ass xD But I'mma keep it simple. I hate you lawl, no I'm kidding xD I've known you for what seems an eternity in hell, no thanks to you XP But we have our excellent times XD I can pretty much tell you anything o.o/ Even if you don't give a rats ass xD I'll force it on you anyway! Anywhooo, Hihi, Sagers, w/e you rawk man xD and forever will. Mucho lurve o.o/ _______________________________________________________
My Sister JB: Hey sis, this one's for you. I've known you all my life, and when we were kids we didn't really like each other lawl. But now we're both older and matured, and we get along damn fine if I do say so myself! I love hanging out with ya, and have looked up to you for a long while now. If I can be half of what you are, I'll still be a great person. Love ya sis.
Tha End..