We are...
Cade and Prior.
We are fabulous
We like Respect.
We're opinionated.
Very Opinionated.
We're like Brothers.
And BFF'S!
We have many inside jokes.
We love Portland more than anyone should.
But we don't care.
We love drag.
We drink out of shot glasses and wine glasses.
We aren't actually gay, we are Supersexual
Nothing's Perfect
Even You
...Or us
Homophobic People, Racist People, and Mean People piss us off.
The Tri-Met bus is our favorite
and only...
form of transportation.
Drama isn't our friend.
We LOVE fashion.
We're thinking about a clothing line.
We LOVE make up.
We adore any kind of music execpt for R&B and Christian music.
MTV brain/washes
We usually like bands before they get big, and that almost always happens.
We love local bands.
We have many raves.
We consider many things Art.
We bake fabulous cakes.
and we can rant.... a lot
You can be our friend....
'cause we love you.
You are all fabulous.