A human being is essentially an eye;
 the rest is merely flesh and skin:
whatever the eye has beheld, he is that.
 A jar will submerge a mountain with its water 
when the eye of the jar is open to the Sea.
 When the interior of the jar has a channel to the Sea, 
that jar will overwhelm a river as great as the Oxus.
In the same way whatever speech Muhammad utters, 
those words are really uttered by the Sea. 
All his words were pearls of the Sea,
for his heart had a passage into that Sea. 
Since the bounty of the Sea is poured through our jar,
why should anyone be amazed that the Sea itself
should be contained in a fish?
~Kabir & Camille Helminski Mathnawi VI, 812-817~
You scored as Postmodernist. Postmodernism is the belief in complete open interpretation. You see the universe as a collection of information with varying ways of putting it together. There is no absolute truth for you; even the most hardened facts are open to interpretation. Meaning relies .. and even the language you use to describe things should be subject to analysis.
Cultural Creative
What is Your World View? (updated)
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T*O*D*A*Y* A* Y*O*U*N*G* M*A*N* O*N* A*C*I*D* R*E*A*L*I*Z*E*D* T*H*A*T A*L*L M*A*T*T*E*R* I*S* M*E*R*E*L*Y* E*N*E*R*G*Y* C*O*N*D*E*N*S*E*D* T*O* A* S*L*O*W* V*I*B*R*A*T*I*O*N - T*H*A*T* W*E* A*R*E* A*L*L* O*N*E* C*O*N*S*C*I*O*U*S*N*E*S*S* E*X*P*E*R*I*E*N*C*I*N*G* I*T*S*E*L*F* S*U*B*J*E*C*T*I*V*E*L*Y* - T*H*E*R*E* I*S* N*O* S*U*C*H* T*H*I*N*G A*S* D*E*A*T*H* - L*I*F*E* I*S* O*N*L*Y* A* D*R*E*A*M* - A*N*D* W*E*'R*E* T*H*E* I*M*A*G*I*N*A*T*I*O*N* O*F* O*U*R*S*E*L*V*E*S* - . . . . -
h*e*r*e*'s* t*o*m* w*i*t*h* t*h*e* w*e*a*t*h*e*r*.
"i AM gOinG 2 leAve a mARk aS an indIviDual. SEE iT. iNTerpRite it as U wiLL. BuT bY iT i EXIsT."
"There Are Holes In Everything, Some People Just Don't Allow Themselves To Be Small Enough To Crawl Through Them.."
"I must create another system or be enslaved by another man's. -william Blake"
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