Well, I'm a dog. A very well fed and pampered dog. But still a dog. I like bones. I like to have three, maybe four bones around me in a one foot radius. Why? Because I'm a dog. I like to run around and bark. Why? Because I'm a dog. Mostly, I like to chill with my peeps. Who are my peeps, you ask? Well, my owners for one. Mad props to them. When they're not around, I like to hang with the Gator. He's cool, but if he gets saucy, I have to bite his feet. You know, keep him in line. Then there's the 'Phent. She's pretty cool, although she's pink and polka-dotted. Other than that, there's nothing better than a nice nap on the couch or the comforter. Word. Keep it ruff, y'all.
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