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Never play leap frog with a unicorn!!!

About Me

I love my boyfriend, Andrew, I love my family and my friends and I love to have fun!!!MORGAN, you're a Skydiver!Your personality is actually determined by two personality sub-types - your primary, or dominant sub-type, and your secondary sub-type. You are a Skydiver which means you are a Seeker / Golden Your primary sub-type is defined by "Seeker" characteristics and your secondary sub-type is defined by "Golden" characteristics.That means you're open minded, extroverted, free-spirited, and independent. Chances are you're pretty liberal. You're like a magnet for love and affection. People adore you. And, thanks to that healthy dose of self-confidence, you're super-flexible.How do we know all this? How do we know you're a great leader at work? Or that you're a self-starter and will always volunteer to take on a job? How could we have divined that you're an excellent communicator and tend to spread your enthusiasm to others?Because while you were taking the test, you answered four different types of questions — questions that measured confidence, apprehension, willingness to take risks, and your focus on experience versus appearance — the primary traits that determine your personality. Based on your responses, we determined your personality type, Skydiver.
Name Morgan A. Brenner
Nickname Mo
Location Erlanger, Kentucky
Sex Yes please! Female
Birthplace Moore, Oklahoma
Birthday June 12, 1987
Sign Gemini
Single or Taken Sorry Boys, Taken Righty or Lefty? Righty Tighty
Screenname morgan.brenner
Height 5'7''
Shoe size 8.5
Hair Color Indescribable
Eye Color Blue when I am happy, Grey when I'm sad and green when I'm pissed off
Braces? Had them, hated them.
Piercings? Fun Tongue Peircing, Belly button, ears(only once) and more to come.
Where do you shop? What kind of question is that? I don't know...wal-mart.
What do you usually wear? Reavealing, appealing, but classy not tacky clothing. I leave a lot for the imagination.
What kind of shoes do you wear? Heals, Tennis shoes, boots, sandels, mix it up, it makes life more interesting
Do your wear make-up everyday? pretty much, except for those lazy days that occur when I have a hang-over
How many pairs of shoes do u own? Way to many, but I think about 30.
Favorite kind of music? Alternative Rock!!!
Least favorite? Yodeling
Last CD you bought? A Perfect Circle: eMotive
Whats in your CD player right now? POE: Haunted
Where is you favorite place to be? My Dreams
Whats your favorite animal? Cat! They are so mysterious, I think I was one in a former life.
Favorite food? Cherries!!!
Favorite day of the year? January First.... National Hangover Day and you get to start all over, kind of.
Favorite candy? Tough one.... I let you know when I crave it.
Are you a virgin? Yea, 13 times a virgin. Don't read into that too much.
What time do you go to sleep? What time does the sun come up? Around then.
Do you have any pets? Yep, two cats, Stains and Gin. They are my babies.
Do you have any bad habits? Well now I don't want to scare any one away... these are the things that keep people wanting more.
Can you sing? Everybody can sing. I suck at it (in my opinion), but that does not stop me from singing at the top of my lungs anyway!
Is there anything you regret? Oh yeah, tons of things I'd do over if I had the chance. But regrets are a waste of time. Fuck the past I rock to the future.
Do you think life has been good so far? Life has been a roller coaster. Sometimes its amazing and sometimes it really sucks. But I wouldn't change a thing.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Sometimes. But I usually sleep at friends places, and I think its a little weird cuddling with there drooled on dolls.
Are you/Have you been in love? Yep been in love. I think. Twice.
Have you ever talked on the phone all night? Well hell yeah. Thats the best time for phone sex.
Did you ever have a dream come true? Awkwardly, alot of my dreams come true. Which kind of sucks because most of my dreams are nightmares.
Do you believe in Santa/Easter bunny? I believe in all things. Every religion, every human, and in every mystical creature.
Do you believe in Love at first sight? Sure, I beleive that sole mates know almost instantly. But out of the whole world I think maybe 2 couples are lucky enough to be sole mates.
Who knows the most about you? My cat. Stains knows everything about me. He is a great listener
Are you loud? I am loud and abnoctious. (need spell check) But even when I am quiet my soul still screams
Do you often embarass yourself? Oh yeah. I am a clown. But I love that about me.
Do you have out with ppl who embarass themselves or you? Yeah my family always finds ways to embarass me. But pay back is hell
Have you ever said 'I Love You' and meant it? Yep. To two guys, to my cats, to my family and to myself
Future Daughters name? First child will be named after my best friend in Italy. Anastasia Italia
Future Sons name? First son will be named after my late grandfather. Charles William
Do you have siblings? I have an anowing older brother, Malachi Asher Brenner (20) and an absolutly beautiful younger sister, Macy Ashtyn Brenner (5)
Do you consider love a mistake? Absolutly not! How could a pure true amazing feeling be a mistake. Oh wait, when your drunk and thats the boos talkin.
What do you find to be romantic? I am a romantic. Anything from beach strolls, long intamate talks, opening doors, a bed full of rose pedals....
What do you look for in a girl/guy? Respect. That is a big one for my. I am not any less imortant than the Queen of England and as long as he treats me that way he will be a very happy king.
Best physical feature? well..... I tend to look at build. Than I narrow it down to eyes, butts, and dicks. If you pass my extremly high physical standards then consider yourself lucky. But don't look at any of my ex's pics because you will think I am a liar.
Best hair color? Doesn't matter as long as he has hair
Best eye color? Blue. But ya know. I have never dated a guy with blue eyes.
Best height? At least 6 foot but no taller that 6'7''
Best personality feature? Intelligence. I like a good intellectual conversation. Oh and he has to be adventerous, a dare devil if you will.
Do you get jealous easily? If I know my guy is hangin with some ex girlfriend of his then yeah, I get jealous. But that is only if we are committed. I should take my own advice
Whats a turn-on? Bad boy looks, good boy attitude and bad boy sex drive.
Whats a turn-off? Guys who push for anal sex. I hate that.
What is the worst thing about the opp. sex? Men are usually most horney in the morning and I am usually most horney at night. But its not just about sex.
Are you shallow? To an extent. But mostly its for health reasons. I prefer to not be smashed into a pancake. But hey if you wanna be friends don't hesitate
*FOR GIRLS* Does the size "below" matter? Yes. I do not want a huge dick. If it is too big its hard to get in my mouth and I like to have sex every day, when it doesn't hurt from being ripped open. But no pencil dicks either. So I am a little Goldie Locks. Sorry if I am being too blunt.
Would u ever commit yourself 100% to some1? Yes. If I can absolutly trust someone to be faithful to me than I will definitly be faithful to him.
Would you ever use someone? No. I have been used and I hate that feeling.
Have you ever got cheated on Yes. By almost every guy I've ever been with. I don't have a whole lot of faith in men. You guys better get yourselves together and you sluts too.
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My Interests

There are so many things that interest me, so I will just make a short summary.I love anything that gets my heart racing. Rollercoasters, skydiving, deep sea diving, mountain climbing, sex, traveling to new places, meeting new people, just goofing around, get the idea. I love to live life in the fast lane.I love the arts. Dancing, painting, drawing, fashion design, interior design, music (an interest within itself), art history, art museums, acting, theatre, operas,...... art.MUSIC: huge for me! I love my music. I can't even describe the way it makes me feel. Maybe its because the music often describes the way I feel. Having a sentimental moment here. I love rock! I dont mean the pussy rock. Give me hard core Metallica, Marilyn Manson, Tool, Sublime, linkin park, creed, POE, Kenny Wayne Shepard, A Perfect Circle, NIN, ok so some of these might not be so hard core, but you get the pic. Next topic.I love to learn. I can sit down and read a completely oblivious book on computer programing and I would suck up every word. I have learned in life that the more I learn the less I know. Knowledge is power. But you don't get knowledge just from books, some of the most intelligent references are from eppisodes of the Simpson's. Learn from life. Ok now that I am finished I am going to get off my soap box.I am interested in people. Seriously man-kind is a fastinating species. We seek so hard to know where we come from, who we are, and whats out there. But why? I think that all i need to know in life I can learn from sitting in a Wal-mart and watching people. The way they move, think, interact, what they buy. I mean in what book would you find people always want to park in the closest parking space available. You learn that from watching people.Animals. Cats are my favorite, my friends often call me the old cat lady. But I also was raised on a horse ranch in Oklahoma, so needless to say I am predispositioned to love horses. I am fairly knowledgable in the animal area, so if there are in other animal freaks out there that have read this far, hit me up.Movies, Dating, Music, Animals, Learning, Arts, Adventure, Travel, People......I think that pretty much covers everything.

I'd like to meet:

People. I love meeting new people no matter what the relationship might be. If you are an adventure seeker, drop me a line. If you have problems with drugs, don't.


The Boondock Saints is the Best movie ever!!! Of course this is only my opinion. I also love Fight Club, Team America World Plice, Pulp Fiction, One Flew Over the Coocoos Nest, The Da Vinci Code, anything that fucks with your mind pretty much


FAMILY GUY!!! Amazing genious in animation, how can you go wrong? I also love the Simpsons, South Park, Futurama, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, LOST, CSI, I watch the history and discovery channel in my sleep which raises my IQ on occasion


I absolutly recommend to anyone and everyone to read House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. That book is the reason I am so messed up, lol. Get POE's CD Haunted and read the book while listening to the album. POE is Mark, the author's, sister. I love to read and can get pretty passionate about the books I crack so instead of dwelling on it here if you have any interest in books then message me.

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