SoME Of My fAVoRiTe LiNeS FrOm SOnGs Are: Here is a line that you won't understand; I'm half of a boy but I'm tiwce the man, carry the weight of the world in the palm of my hand. Who did you think I was? Who did you think I was? ~JOhN mAYeR tRiO...Who Do yOU ThiNK I wAs?Touch your lips just so I know In your eyes, love, it glows so ~ dAVe MatThEws Band...cRash InTo Me
So let go, let go
Jump in
Oh well, whatcha waiting for?
It's alright
Cause there's beauty in the breakdown
~FrOU FrOu...LeT GOView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
.JoHn mAYeR.jAcK jOhnSoN.bEn hArPer.jASon MrAZ.AFI.pANic! At thE DiScO.tHe fRaY.kANyE WeSt.BeN FoLdS.CasSiE. ToRi AMoS. ChRisTiNA agULeRIA. RiHanNa. ShaKiRa. mCfLy. U2. cOLDpLay. WEezER. the kIlLerS.The ALl-aMerICan rEJecTs.caSsIE. NeYo. uSheR. MarY j. FaItH. 112. JaY-z. BeyOnCe. DC. gWen STePhAnI. nO dOubT. Red Hot chIlli pePpERs.marRoOn5. Kt lUnDeLL.yElLoWCard.aMos LeE. PlAIN wHITe t'S.SHiNy ToYs GuNS.SnOW PatRoL. ReGiNa SpEkToR. MoRNiNgWoOd.vANEsSa cArLToN. RAy LaMontagne. JoSH KeLLeY. hoWiE dAY.FoO fIGhTeRS.KyLiE mINoGuE. LuPe FiascO. aLy & Aj. aFi. tHird EYe bLiND.sEan PauL. NinA sIMoNE. DamIEN rICe. cOrrInnE BaiLEY rAe. The Raconteurs. AmERIe. aLaNIs MorRIssEttE.ArETha FrANkLIn.Ben FoLDs. bObBy WoMacK. gLayS KNiGHt. lUtHeR VanDrOSS.hILLsoNg.mARVin gaYE.Al gReEn. PaTtI LAbELLe. sADe. nAtaLiE cOle. oTis ReDDiNg. mArTha MuNNiZi. MatThEw wesT. mat kEarNey. ReBeCCa St. jAMeS. RichARD mARX. SanTana. sMoKey RoBInson. ZOEgirl. TAmia. tEDDy pEndERgRass. tOri AmOS. YOlanDa aDaMs.mAtIsYaHu. CECE wiNiAS. IsRel AND neW breeD. MarY aLeSSi...some many more i can'T think of.......
NeVer bEEn kISSED. wHiLE u WeRE sLeEpiNg. OlD ScHoOl.40 y/o ViRgiN. WeDdInG CrAsHeRs. MaRiA fULL oF GrAcE. CrASh. ThE LiTtLe MerMaiD. fINDiNG nEmO.The BrEaKuP. ThE DevIl wEarS pRadA. LacKaWaNnA BlUes.InTrOdUcTiNg doReThy DanRiDge.GaRDen StaTe.SoMeThiNg NeW.
.GrEy'S anAtOmy. hOuse. tHe sOpRanOs. So nOtOrIoUS.nIp/TucK.OprAh. enTOuRaGE. DeADwOOD. cARnIVaLE. FOoTbAlLeRs WivEs. WinDfALL. ThE 4400. bIg LovE. WhAT ABoUt BrIan. gIlMoRe GiRls.Sex IN tHE cIty. HerOeS.40 RocK. sCRuBS. uGLy BeTTy. eR. DeGrAssI. StUdiO 60 OnThe SUnseT sTRIP. How I mET yOur MOm. tHE cLass. vERoNicA mARS. jERicHO. The offICE. CoLd CasE. ThE AMazIng RacE.The WeNdy WiLLiAms ExPerIENce.DiRt. My BoYS.
.tO Kill a mOcKiNGbIrd .OF mICE anD mEn. A RaisIN in tHe SuN. AnGeLa'S asHeS.and all the gold dust in her eyes won't reform into a ring you had and lost the one thing you kept in a safe place ~JoSHuA rADin...sTar MiLe
I trespass in temptation suffer in sacrifice But I awake each day with the new sunrise. Blessed is this life oh, and I'm gonna celebrate being alive ~BrETt dEnnEN...bLEssEd Have you ever thought about what protects our hearts? Just a cage of rib bones and other various parts. So it's fairly simple to cut right through the mess. And to stop the muscle that makes us confess. ~InGriD MiChaElsOn...BrEakabLE