BIGG COFFEE profile picture



About Me

I wanna become an Actor/Comedian, I love 2 make people laughI edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
...::About Me::...
Full Name: Ashford Evan Coffee
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: black
Height: "6'1
Shoe Size: 15
Ring Size: 15
Heritage: southern
Graduating Year: 2007
Birthdate: may 24, 1089
Zodiac Sign: gemini
Concert: Christian rap concert
Best Friend: Jamario Winters
Crush: Christin Gates
Pet: Joe
Sport: Powerlifting
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived: no
Bungee Jumped: no
Gone out of the Country: yes
Beaten Someone Up: no
Gotten Beat Up: yup
Killed an Animal: no
Swam in the Ocean: no
Broke the Law: no
Smoked: no
Chewed Tobacco: no
Drank: n/a
Been Kissed: yup
Been In Love: how many times
Dumped Someone: yup
Been Dumped: all the time
Broken Someone's heart: yea once
Had Your Heart Broken: 1,000 times
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: yup
Broken A Bone: no
Had Surgery: yup 5
Had an X-ray or MRI: yea
Failed a Class: yea
Color: blue
Food: chicken
Drink: Dr. Pepper
Snack: doritos
Cereal: trix
Ice Cream: buttered pecan
Candy: butterscotch
Restaurant: Golden Corral
Fast Food Place: Sonic
Store: Dollar General
Animal: monkey
Quote: "Im Rick James b......"
Sport To Play: Football
Sport To Watch: Football
Movie: Dreamgirls
TV Show: Spongebob
Type Of Music: Gospel
Band: SIC
Singer: Ashford
Song: I Made It
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate
Cake or Ice Cream: Cake
McDonalds or Burger King: Burgerking
Love or Money: Love
Music or TV: Music
Cat or Dog: Dog
Mom or Dad: Both
Truck or Car: Car
Ocean or Lake: ocean
Yahoo or Hotmail: yahoo
Google or AJ: google
Light or Dark: dark
Country or City: city
Rain or Sunshine: sunshine
...::The Opposite Sex::...
First Thing You Notice: personality
Personality or Looks: personality
Hair Color: dont matter
Eye Color: dont matter
Short or Tall: short
Romanic or Spontaneous: romantic
Sense of Humor or Sweet: both
Hook up or Relationship: relationship
Feeling: lonely
Listening To: mp3
Wanna: be with a female
Doing Besides Typing: nuttin
Thinking About: errthang
Wearing: rocawear shirt and girbaud shorts
In Love: yes
Single: yes
Best Friends: God, Jamario, Emmanuel, William
...::The Future::...
Career: Actor
Marriage: yea
Kids: yea
The Ultimate Survey @ MyHotQuiz

My Interests

Playing video games, sleeping, and making people laugh

I'd like to meet:

Eddie Murphy


Mostly Gospel, a little rap, and R&B


All comedies and action






JESUS,and my dad