My LoVe 4 U iS BeYoNd ReAsOn.... profile picture

My LoVe 4 U iS BeYoNd ReAsOn....

I love you♥

About Me

i'M DyAnNa... :) SoMe oF mY FaVoRiTe ThInGs To Do R ChIlL wIt mY fRieNdS, gO 2 dA MaLl, SpEnd MoNeY, dAnCe, AnD PaRtY!!!! I LoVe 2 HaVe FuN! aT tiMeS i MiGhT sEeM ImMaTuRe.. BuT iM jUsS WiLd n CraZy.. I lOvE 2 LauGh 2 Smile! I feEl liFe iS to ShOrt So a PersOn sHoUlD LiVe eVerYdAy 2 Da FuLlest.... i'M a CoOl AsS PeRsOn OnCe YoU GeT 2 KnOe Me, AnD i'M aLwAys Up 4 TrYiN NeW ThInGs n MeEtiNg NeW pEoPle.....
If yOu'D LiKe 2 KnOe nE tHiNg eLsE IM Me @ My AiM sCrEeNaMe: ShOrTiS2SeXy15Giovanni, is my bestest friend in the whole wide world... he is also my brother... i will always protect him with all i have...although sumtimes we may argue we will always be close.. he has my bak and i have his...any bytches try to mess wit him there gonna have to see me...i love Gio...hes like my twin!Francisco, is the best ever! He is my best friend...Without him, i dont know what i would do... He is always there for me in good times and in bad, with him i can always be myself, and when im sad hes the one cheering me up, hes funny,caring,smart,i can honestly say there is never a dull moment... he really makes a difference in my life...if you have never met francisco, i feel sorry for you because you truely are missing out!Leslee is like my sister! she is one of the only girls i trust and chill wit... i dont really like girls, so shes considered lucky! me and Leslle have known each other for four year and in that short amount of time she has managed to learn everything there is to knoe about me and the same with me with her...She is very wacky and i would never want les to change..she brings out the inner child in me! i love you leslee!...Mayra is another one of my only girl best friends...she is also my cousin.. me and Mayra been through mad shyt... she always holds me down no matter what n i love her very much...she brings joy to my wouldnt be the same without her

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

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Your Friends.. - Who is the... -
Loudest? Me n Fran
Quietest? Edwin
Smartest? Leslee n Mayra
Dumbest? Franco n Tatiana
Cutest? Me
Ugliest? Nobody...
Funniest? Fran n Leslee
Dullest? Tatiana
Skinniest? Luis
Fattest? Tatiana
Most Fashionable? Da whole crew
Least Fashionable? Jon
Most Optimistic? Leslee
Most Pessimistic? Chris
Cries most? Mimi
Cries Least? Edwin n Gio
Most Trustworthy? Myself
Least Trustworthy? Tiffany.. lol
Most Honest? Mayra
Least Honest? ?
Best For Advice? Leslee
Worst For Advice? Franco
Most Likely to become president? Martha
Most likely to become a saint? Mayra n Martha
Most likely to become famous? Edwin
Most likely to go mentally insane? Mirian
Most likely to become a serial killer? Karen
Who would you trust with your life? Nobody
