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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I AM GERMAN JA!!! hehe i am more like: International, German-Korean Mix, almost reaching 6'3 or 188cm still growing (don't hate), very high metabolism, laid back yet restless, HUNGRY 4 food and Success, News Junkie, Zodiac Sign:Taurus, Year of the Dog, Open-Minded LIKES: Endurance & Team Sports, Movies,Snowboarding, Korean BBQ, it's called Football not soccer, German Beer, Kang Soju, Exotic foods, TRAVELING,nice Suits, Motocycles MOTOGP, My white sneakers~ Love Latin dance~ I lived in: Germany, Japan, Korea, Switzerland, San Francisco BAY AREA, Los Angeles What am i doing in Seoul? Well, i am curently managing my famlies German Restaurant near Insah-Dong. It's located inside Somerset Palace Hotel. For those who don't know where that is, it's right behind the Korean Times in Gwanghamun! Check out the website if you like: www.baerlin.co.kr Anyways, if you'd like to get to know me more just ask!

My Interests

Pool, Snowboarding, dancin, parties, motorcycles & cars, Movies, TV production, Music, stayin healthy, travel, meeting new ppl, making lots and lots of $$$, etc

I'd like to meet:

Anybody & Everybody


R&B, Rap(underground&oldschool), Drum&Bass, House, trance, alternative


Suicide Kings, Full Metal Jacket, T2, Equilibrium, Ronin, New Jersey Drive, Menace II Society, Braveheart, The last Samurai, Mission Impossible, Blade, Apollo 13, Saving Private Ryan, The Hurricane, Korean Movies, Japanese Movies, etc


Project Runway


Honestly, i don't think I can remember the last time I started and finished a book!