swimming, painting & drawing, beaches in the sun and night, stars, jet skiing really fast(and getting pulled over by the Nevada sheriff........), running, always having a supply of bubbles, music, food, baking, sometimes cooking but not so much, whipped cream on hot chocolate, writing, tennis, shopping for other people, eating, having pastries for lunch... everyday, reading, movies, surfing, rock climbing, insane roller coasters
people who will go on rollercoasters with me, or learn to windsurf with me
good voice & good lyrics, or crazy guitar/other instruments & beat
The Right Stuff , Catch Me if you Can, The Illusionist, Casino Royale, Casablanca, Office Space, Finding Nemo, Psycho, Poltergiest, 12 Angry Men, Top Gun, The Italian Job, Gladiator, Black Hawk Down, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Lost in Translation
The Perfect Storm
New Rules by Bill Maher
The Odyssey
The Iliad
Watership Down plus Tales from Watership Down
The Alchemist
Dracula was cool
and Pride and Prejudice