I already said it above...... Take me to Reno, Lake Tahoe or Vegas damn it..... I wanna gamble, drink and you know just layback.
.. width="425" height="350" ..GOD...... coz when you die and you dont then you ENDED up in the wrong place.
Everthing but countryfound this layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotComments
No scary movie for me...... I get scuurredd!
Im using this spot to bitch about the Ethnicity section of MySPACE. How they not goin' to have a FILIPINO category on there??..I had to pick "OTHER" like a fu..ck..in MARSIAN.... Thats Bu..ll Sh..it. Im Reprensentin' that im proud to be ""FILIPINO"".... SO SUCK ON MY NUTZ MYSPACE.....
Cant read books they too thick.... Just get to the damn point!
People that volunteer their time to help others in need....