No regretz u only liive once. **mz. Kay kay** profile picture

No regretz u only liive once. **mz. Kay kay**

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

WaTz gOOd MysPaCeRs!!! ThiS b Ya gurLie KayLa... SuM ppl CalL mE KaKeS or Kay~Kay. i GraDuateD 4rm Tulare Union cLaSs of '08.. yEp yEp.. i liVe ouT here n Tulare or Cow Town bka haTin aSs toWn.. iM liVin thAt sinGle Life... nT reAllii loOkiN 4 a RelaTioNshiP dOiiN mii On tHiNg hiGh KeY tRyiN tO foCuS.. i attend Skoo aT MiLan inStiTute of CosmeTology to dO HaiR.. hAvE bOuT 2 moNthZ tU gO... GrAd DaTe iS aUgUsT 6tH uMm lEtZ sEe iM hElla dumb asS real keep it 100 at all timEz.. LeTtiN heLLa ppl Go riGhT noW nT evEn CaRin No MoRe..... nT wiT no DrAma noR plAyiin Kiddie GamEz... uGh so TirEd oF ShyT sTarTerZ.. uMMm n_E-wAyZ iF yoU wannA kno More bouT uR guRl u kno WaT to Do hiT me uP n Da_n_box.... .. ... ...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

These my goons right here.. this is only a few but itz alot more than this.. bt these gurls right here is my sistas n my goons i luv dem hella.. fuck man where do i start we have so much memories we became came so close ova da summer wit all da shyt dat happen we didnt let dat shyt get 2 us we keep it pushin.. its crazy buzz right now we all split up. da split up part wasnt suppose 2 happen bt i kno very soon we will all b bck together doin bigger n betta i cant wait 2 see my sistas.. i miss ya'll hella n aint no niccas nor a bytch can cum between us n dats on errything...... ....

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