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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

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Myspace Layouts --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS -->
Which Tim Burton character are you?
Edward Scissorhands
Feeling a little out of place? It's okay. You're just not finished.

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Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests. .. --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> END YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS -->I am me and only me. I do not want to be any body but me. I am happy doing what I do and who could ask for more?I like normal things like skiing and rock climbing. I work hard to cut the crap and deal with real things not some made up crap that has nothing to do with reality, which is were I spend my time.The diferance between life and art is that they are on diferent timelines. The diference between man and God is that they are on diferent timelines. Does art reflect life or life reflect art? Is reality a relection of God or just a TV show of the mind? How long will these myspace files last and who will find them? What turn of events will they cause? If any? Or was it all just planned out that way by the sroke of a keyboard?We are all subject to what others will impose if they can, but in the end they will fall and the true friends shall stay true even with time and distance there shall be no barires between us except my spelling I hope. I am ever working to make the practical dream world a reality. Why can't we reuse everything? Nature does. If you like what you see here, as crazy as it seems I am not mean or out of reach. I have been told by girls that they didn't think I was so nice. So they never talked to me. I'll never get girls. I mean it. If I'm a girl magnet then I'm facing the wrong way not attracting more like repelling, like a force field of garlic and the farts are unbearable. aRE YOU PAYING ATENTION? Just checking.Rhiannon
Hey bands, Why don't you have songs we can down load? Demos used to be free, so what is diferent? If someone likes what they hear, give them something to ingrane in to there memory so they don't forget you. MP3s are degrigated copys, so what's the big deal? You don't have to send out tapes or records any more, so isn't this the best advertisment? A samlpe goes to those who want it and then they will want more, so they buy it from you direct. What more could you ask for? Just pull those big heads out of your asses and get more fans by being nice.Rhiannon
I love life and all the physical pain related to growth not pain created in the mind to control and hurt. I am here to make shure the wheel that needs healing gets healed, no matter the squeek.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet the real person behind the mask. Who are you? That is who I want to meet. The real you. I want the naked truth. So tell me, who are you? Show me. Don't lie. I will catch you. Just be real. No more no less. You have to keep things simple in order to simply handle them. Think about it.Hot goth chicks!

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