My work involves teaching people to maximize the Law of Attraction and the Law of Abundance.I facilitate drum circles and workshops in Creating Money Easily, Improving Relationships, Peak Performance and Stress Release, do private sessions and teach Reiki, Chi Gong and Meditation.Lately I've expanded the public speaking aspect of my work.Recent testimonials from my clients:================================================"You
r Creating Money Easily class completely changed my life. Two months ago, my husband of 3 years walked out on me, taking $70,000 of assets which I had accumulated, and sued for divorce using false statements about me.Three weeks later I started your class, which had 5 sessions. At the 4th session, I asked you why things were seemingly getting WORSE, because something awful had happened at work, too. You said "sometimes it looks worse, but it's just the energy shifting."The very next day, my soon-to-be-ex-husband and his lawyer signed a spousal support agreement which was $500 more per month than my attorney had dreamed possible. Your class ($250) was literally worth $30,000 to me. Thank you so much." AH, Virginia================================================"I have a Masters in Counseling Psychology with over 1000+ upper level internship hours, so I'm well-versed in conventional theories of child development. However, my two-year daughter didn't care about my degree. She refused to potty-train, was chronically constipated because she would not eat, and has been hostile to her father since she was born.She was regularly moving her bowels in her clothes. It was embarrassing. I'd tried for over 6 months to train her conventionally.After ONE single session with you, she began:
1) eating regular food (chicken nuggets!);
2) using the toilet without screaming (all the teachers are delighted because they used to have to help her change her clothes at school);
3) being loving toward her father (which he says is just a coincidence--however, I know it's working and it's the only change we've made, so there's no other explanation);I am grateful beyond words. You have improved my family life 1000%" DA, Virginia==============================================As an Energy Therapist I empower people to release pain of all kinds: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual.I use a variety of modalities including:* Yuen Method
* Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
* Reiki
* Karuna Reiki
* Chi Gong
* Toning
* Meditation
* Flower Essence Therapy (FET)
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