Kezia™ profile picture


Sorry I missed your visit to my page, but if you leave a brief comment/message, I'll get back to you

About Me

Kezia is: 24/young but forever young at heart/saved and loving it/single and probably not interested/intelligent/independent/creative/ambitious/still shy at times/always thinking/incredibly anal about spelling errors/random/much more than this "About me" section could hold..
Kezia isn't: stupid/rude/excessively loud/ghetto..
Kezia ♥: God/church/my family/my friends/my ambition/learning-laughing-loving/feelgoodmusic/poetry/spoke n word/photography/design/my youth/THE youth/psychology/the people/songwriting/the arts/beautiful weather/traveling/reading/documentaries..
Kezia can: do what she sets her mind to which is why it took her forever to figure out what she wanted to do with her life..
Kezia can't: imagine failing..God or herself..
Kezia does: much..including working full-time, running a Christian t-shirt line , co-running a charity (love you Noel), being a moderator on the hottest poetry board doing it, performing spoken word here and there, building my photography portfolio, finishing up a degree and about to start work on another and then two more (in another part of the country) and much more. I shouldn't ever be bored right?+2fangas

My Interests

God, church, life, people (how they think and why they react the way they do ergo psychology), entrepreneurship, finance & wealth, the arts

Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence
You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well.
An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly.
You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view.
You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator. What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

I'd like to meet:

Honestly, I'd like to meet Bob Woodruff, Nikki Giovanni, Dr. Cornel West, Elian Gonzalez, Oprah, Bernice King, Yolanda King, Alice Walker, Mary Mary, Dr. Margaret Brand, Dr. Martin Luther King, India.Arie, my great grandparents in their heyday, myself in 50 years, anyone from the original Black Wall Street, missionaries who've been all over the world so I could hear their stories and many more..


Mostly gospel, classical, instrumental jazz, soul..that's about it..


Good comedies, great horror movies, a love story every now and again and sometimes a really good drama.


The Bible, Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Coldest Winter Ever, The Icarus Girl, Battlefield of the Mind..and the list goes on and on


Jesus, My mom, Barbara Jordan, Apostle Perry Maples, Jr. and Sis. Luphelia Maples, Dr. Margaret Brand, Dayton, A.E. Dickson and Tabitha and Faith A. Holmes :0) ..

My Blog

got random tendencies

okay so.. I recently lost a friend.  She didn't die and she didn't move away.  I guess she just decided that she didn't want to be my friend anymore.  Crazy thing about it is..she didn'...
Posted by Key.A.S™is on vacation! See you in June! on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 09:00:00 PST

about where she's goin - a poem

so i was daydreamin todaynot much unlike Lupebout how i want my light to showand how I want my life to gosuccessfullest psychologisthonorary degreesfrom collegessaintentrepreneurpoeta giverback also k...
Posted by Key.A.S™is on vacation! See you in June! on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:33:00 PST

Dr. Cornel West speaks

Okay, so I had some things wracking my brain last night, so I know I didn't get to sleep until at the earliest 3 a.m.  I was blessed enough to see Tavis Smiley's show on PBS and he happened to be...
Posted by Key.A.S™is on vacation! See you in June! on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 06:34:00 PST

Blog about a blog - my neph's blog..

This blog was written by my 15 y/o neph Mario.  Check it out.. _______________________________________________________ GOD'S promises are more than your problem!!!!!! In life we face many battl...
Posted by Key.A.S™is on vacation! See you in June! on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 01:46:00 PST

smh..I messed myself me out..

I'm a senior in college.  I will be graduating this year with a Bachelor's degree.  Hopefully cum laude, if I play my cards right.  I should be super excited, right?? Wrong. I don't hav...
Posted by Key.A.S™is on vacation! See you in June! on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:31:00 PST

Don't you love it when..?'re on the expressway/road/highway and a gang of cars leaves other lanes and jumps behind you because YOU'RE going the right speed? ..a new register opens up at Wal-Mart and you're the first in l...
Posted by Key.A.S™is on vacation! See you in June! on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 08:24:00 PST


I think I'm being cyberstalked.  I won't go into detail as to who the culprit is, because they're on my friends list but..yeah.. ...
Posted by Key.A.S™is on vacation! See you in June! on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 01:27:00 PST

Where I am now

You ever heard a song that applies to your life so much, that it's almost scary?  Well, I've been reflecting on some things and there's a song India.Arie wrote called "Beautiful".  Judging f...
Posted by Key.A.S™is on vacation! See you in June! on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 08:14:00 PST


Since when does EVERYONE think they're going to Heaven?  I read random pages (as do most of us) and I've come across so many pages where every OTHER word was a curse word.  Then they go on t...
Posted by Key.A.S™is on vacation! See you in June! on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 06:41:00 PST

I've learned..

You ever have one of those RUDE awakenings?  Like really rude?  The ones you don't really appreciate but deep down you know you need it?  Yeah..I had one of those last night.  Afte...
Posted by Key.A.S™is on vacation! See you in June! on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 06:45:00 PST