-My name is Nick
-My 2 most favorite bands are Say Anything/Two Tongues and Arctic Monkeys
-Tokyo Police Club and The Devil Wears Prada are creeping up there too
-I need new clothing
-There's more to me than you think
- I'm "INDIECORE" ( =p )
-I'm super excited every January for all the new albums that will come out that year
-I love using dots (......)
-Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Hell....1:40
-I hate the fact that blogs erase what you just typed for an hour if you accidentally click the back button
-I sleep on the floor
-"Oh Baby I Can't Even Explain"
-My genre taste in music ranges (look at my music section for a quick 5 minute list I made of bands I like)
- The girls I actually like alot now-a-days are just out of my league
-This Very Moment.....1:30
-Some say I'm funny
-Some say I'm random
-Some say I'm uber as fuck
-I LOVE writing new songs.....just gotta be in creative mode
-IM me on AIM (AwesomeNarcisist)....I'm always open to talk to new people
(noun) 1. Usually a man of the gentleman class. Said person normally exhibits an out going nature, but is distinctly introverted. Many of the expressions of said person will be mysterious and enigmatic to the point of making no apparent sense. These creatures tend to excel in theoretical or academic fields.
(adj)1. Being of a distinct class
2. Extremely fun
(verb) 1. To have a wonderful night that is full of romance, passion, and compassion.
EX: That professor is Nicholas.
He's so nicholas.
Last night was... nicholas.
name: nick.
code name: ohh-shwalawala-ohh-shabangbang
superpower: superhair, power to bend steel, and melt your brain with a frying pan lid.
weakness: bagle dance
costume: space zombie pirate ninja
powerup: rocket launcher in the pants