"I'm very broad minded usually, she said, but it gets very narrow & fast in spots." I'm a faux liberal in the military who would be considered a conservative in my hometown in California, so go figure... I like my job most days, but every once in awhile there are those moments where I want to get the hell out of having a career and just sit in my Amish rocker on my back porch and write short stories all day. Unfortunatly, I need to make a living... so I work. I travel whenever I can... Oh, and I smile a lot. I have three dogs, all of whom are pure muscle these days, so I am usually out in the yard with them or growing food (yea, I'm one of those organic crazies...). I refuse to blog because, though I find my life fascinating, I feel that imposing it on other would be a mistake... plus, I have a bad memory for good reason-sometimes you want to remember everything with rose colored glasses and those journals get in the way of such things...
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