GOD profile picture


Sweets Are Best from Strangers

About Me

I love life, and everything that it involves. I love partying, I love talking, I love to laugh, I love watching The best band in the world (www.itsnotnormal.com), I love all things spiritual and I love you. xx Whats not to enjoy when theres so much out there to see and do and I just wanna experience of much of that as possible and have the party of a lifetime every day. Its all about the fun, share the love. Send out positive energy whenever you can, be there for your friends and respect the Earth.Love it so much it hurts but dont ever let go!!!!Myspace Backgrounds

My Interests

I have so many interests but i'll list a few i like to do and excite me, motorcycling, music, dancing, holidays & city breaks, my friends, Pr manager work for the best band in the world Not nOrmal!!!! www.itsnotnormal.com Plug Plug Plug, and anything crazy or off the wall you can think of

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and everyone. If its refering to friends, I always say you can never have to many. If its refering to love, then I'm looking for someone interesting with a love of life to match my own. NO ego's allowed, its all about the harmony of life and being happy with yourself first.


Musically i love everything i really do, Not nOrmal check them out http://www.myspace.com/itsnotnormal, Hed kandi especially twisted disco, Dance, funky house, Rock that you can listen to, some rnb and hip hop


again so many choices but i'll list a few favorites......Butterfly Effect, Casino, Buffalo Soldiers, The Island, Memento, Elf, Anchor Man and loads more


I watch too much tv and to be honest most of it is Shite, but favourites are Top gear, prison break & lost (i have now finished season 2 & started season 3 and 6 ahead at moment) awesome shit.


Tend not to read too much but have recently got Alan carrs stop smoking book, lol...