Sarah profile picture


Can't think of anything clever

About Me

Hey everyone! My name is Sarah! I am 26 from Waco Texas. Or rather I am in Waco,Texas! I currently have a boyfriend (the guy in the picture) that I couldn't live without! He is the ONE. (sorry boys)I recently had a gastric bypass. If you don't know what that is then go look it up!! At any rate I'd like to make some new friends or couples to go out with! (no we are not swingers and no we don't want to have sex with you)

My Interests

Shoes, I really really like shoes...

I'd like to meet:

Juat looking for some new friends to hang out with!


Just about everything..defantly not rock though!


Exercist (original), Finding Nemo, Pretty Women, Blow, Princess Diaries, Princess Bride, and a few others!


CSI Las Vegas, Law and Order Crimnal Intent, the Family Guy, and Sex in the City, the "L" word


Harry Potter... Loved em all!

My Blog

Funny List my Sis made up

"RULES TO DATING ME" Thought these were funny...but some of them are serious business, ha ha 1. CARDINAL RULE of DATING...Be cool with my friends. Do NOT sleep with them! Period. And no..we do not wa...
Posted by Sarah on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 07:17:00 PST