mY cuZZiiN!!
ii LoVE ThE kiiTi KiiTiES!!
~Someone who is very sweet,who can make me laugh,and can keep up with me,I also hate guys with girlfriends and tryin to say all that they want to be is friends,cause they know damn well thats not all that they want to do,So I HATE GUYS TRYIN TO BE PLAYERS!!I've dealt with way to much drama with a guy and then finding out later down the line that he has a girl or a babys mama,OH YEAH.......AND A WIFE!! So definetly aint lookin for no guy with drama!!I also hate liars so I need someone who keeps it real and that I can trust,but eneyways can u tell that i've been in some drama,LOL.........also can never resist a bad boy,just not one with a girl!!ALSO PLEASE GROWN MEN QUIT TRYIN TO HOLLA AT LIL GIRLS....THAT SHIT IS SO NASTY AND JUST PLAIN FOUL,ITS JUST HELLA FUNNY HOW YOU GO ON SOMEONES PROFILE AND HAVE LIL ASS GIRLS UP ON YOUR SHIT....IF YOU CANT HANDLE A GROWN WOMAN....THATS YOUR BAD!!HAHAHA!!OH YEAH AND IF YOUR MANS A CHEATER,ITS HIS FAULT NOT MINE...AND IF YOU ALLOW IT THAN HES GONNA CONTINUE DOING WHAT HES DOING!!BELIEVE ME...BEEN THERE DONE THAT...JUST A LIL ADVICE!
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RAp and R&b,olDiieS(GOTTA HAVE MY OLDIES),rEggAetOn,yaY aRea ShiiT,and anything and everything that has to do with MaRiiAh CAReY!!
PreTTy WoMaN,GliTTer,ScaRfaCe,GoOdFellAs,THE WAnDErErS,ThE NotEbOOk, ThE LiiL MeRMAiiD(hey I can be soft 2;)) LOve and BaSkeTbAll,RoMy and MiiChElle(thats 4 you Rinn)DiiRty daNciing,lOl!!Oh yEah ii lOve sCaRy mOviiEs(iim nOt a weEniiE,lOl)!!
AMeriicAs nExt tOp moDel,MTV,B.E.T.,ChEATeRS(lol),fEaR fActOr,Dr.90210,eXtRemE mAkEovEr,,MeeT ThE BArKeRS,MaKiiNG ThE BaND,FLaVoR oF LoVE~iiTS HIllARiiOUS~ ii LoVE iiT!!ColD CaSe fiiLES,reALiity tV...