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A Drunk Mind Speaks a Sober Heart

About Me

IF I DONT KNOW YOU- PLEASE DON'T ADD ME AS A FRIEND...My name's Kirsten and I am originally from Eugene, Oregon. A little over 4 years ago I decided to live in a sunny place and get out of my home state- Driving south I moved and resided in the Bay area of California. I love it here especially because all of my favorite things to do are within reach-The Beach: for sunsets, bon fires and surfing- The Mountains: for skiing, camping and snowboarding- The City: for shopping, dinner, and good clubs- My Friends: to do all of the above with.-I am currently a makeup artist and I manage a cosmetics counter at a very high-end department store. Though there are many demanding customers who only buy if there is a "fwee gip wit purchaseā€¦" I, for the most part love my job. If there was one dream that I have and only one dream I could obtain it would be the dream of becoming a famous singer. I love to sing, perform and entertain for peopleā€¦ therefore the past 23 years of my life has been dedicated to singing and making people laugh. Dreams may be hard to achieve but with a strong will and determination anything is possible. I will be making a CD soon and I am going to tryout for American Idol in September. My life is full of spontaneity, I am very outgoing, hard working, and optimistic therefore I can happily say that each day is a new day and I will try my best to live life to the fullest.
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My Interests

Wakeboarding is something I love to do! This coming summer we will see if I can pull a flip or some crazy trick! In the winter I love the snow, so skiing is an activity I have been doing since I was 11, however I could get better at snowboarding! I rarely get to the beach even though Santa Cruz is next door to me, but when I do I like to surf the waves! On Tuesday nights you can find me at my friends club called Fahrenheit Ultra Lounge in San Jose singing on the mic at Karaoke or on Friday's dancing the nigt away. I also love to shop! Something I do way to much of and honestly If anyone knows of a counselor with a specialty in "compulsive shopping," then sign me up and I will go, I need help!

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Music Video: LET ME TALK TO YOU/MY LOVE (FT. T.I.) (by Justin Timberlake)

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music is the one thing I love and cherish, I will go nowhere without my Ipod, a CD player or somekind of stereo- I cannot live without my music! I love all kinds of bands and genres of music, but mostly my top three are alternative rock, country and a little bit of pop!

Your Celebrity Style Twin is Jessica Simpson
Flirty, feminine, and fun. Who's Your Celebrity Style Twin?


Who doesnt love a good movie! I am a comedy fan so Meet The Parents is definitely in the top five! Dumb and Dumber is a classic and to this day I can still laugh at the same scenes I have seen 100 times!


I am not a huge TV fan, but a few shows I cannot miss are Laguna Beach, 8th and Ocean, Desperate Housewives and The Real World hmm do you think I like reality TV a bit too much? Anyways, I am also so excited about the new show starting this spring called "The Hills" on MTV!!!


Not a huge reader but I must say the last book I read was "Case for Christ" and if anyone wants to read a good book written by an atheist who has questions about the bible and finds answers that are factual about Jesus- give this book a shot! Currently I am working on the second book "Case for Creator," lets see how the world came to be and how with some more interesting research!


My main hero is Jesus because without him I would not be alive today! Other than him, my mom is number one in my life. She has given me the best advice anyone could give and raised me with a good head on my shoulders. Honesty is key and even If I am her daughter she will always tell me exactly the way things are- even if I am in the wrong.

My Blog

I asked God...

I asked God I asked God to take away my habit. God said, No. It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up. I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. God said, No. His spirit is who...
Posted by Kirsten on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 04:16:00 PST

Science VS. God

A logical explanation for the existence of God...An atheist professor of philosophy pauses before his class and then asks one of his new students to stand. "You're a Christian, aren't you, son?" "Yes ...
Posted by Kirsten on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 04:14:00 PST