♥ Ass biscuits and Cock sucker ♥ profile picture

♥ Ass biscuits and Cock sucker ♥

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Its more like "about us" Well this is a joint profile of Aisling Buffini and Clodagh Shortall, We reckoned it was too much effort talking sepretely, so we made a combined profile. We'd like to thank Jimmy and Kraig for this genius idea. The combination of sugar and pixie dust made us like this... evil masterminds! We haven't slept in at least 3 weeks, but we are still kickin the puppy. Oh yeah. Fo shizzle.
About You
full name Ass biscuits- Aisling Buffini. Cock sucker- Clodagh Shortall
nicknames Ass biscuits and Cock sucker
birthdate 32nd of June 1918
location The computer you capper
height Eight foot eleven, I reek of height
hair color Combination of dark brown and light brown, combined making MEDIUM BROWN
eye color One eye brown, one eye blue...
siblings We are all brotha's and sista's here, Now can i get an AMEN!?
pets Cat-dog and your mother.
worst fear Eh, cheese..
color I'm colour blind
movie The moving kind
artist/band Me
songs The type your mother makes in bed
tv show Wot is this tv u speak of?
place to shop shops
subject in school Sex Ed, we're straight A students :D
smell Your ass
food Munching on ur mother
Have You Ever?
made a prank call? Just tonight (we apologise)
lied? NEVA!
snuck out of the house? House? You mean box?
skipped school? School? Education? HUH?
ran away? Not yet...
broken the law? Your face broke the law./
done something embarrassing? If I'm not doing something embarrassing I'm probably not doing anything at all
made yourself cry to get out of trouble? I'm cryin right now aren't I? *sob*
wanted someone you knew you couldnt have? I want you all so bad. Roysh here, roysh now
been to a concert? CKY,CLUTCH! Trivium soon hee hee!
been kissed? All the time, I have to beat them off with a stick. And I gots me a big stick!
kissed someone? NEVA!
been in love? I love you
cheated on someone? yeah, YOU
been cheated on? Nope, every1 loves me too much
had a hard time getting over someone? Yeah they were too fat
Do You?
color your hair? Yes and no
have any tattoos? Your face on my ass
have any piercings? Wouldn't you like to know? PERVERT!
have any bad habits? No we are perfection
wish you were someone else? No I likes us
play an instrument? Your mother. Does that count?
wear cologne/perfume? No I like the smell of Body Odour thank you
own a thong? No i love granny pants
wear contacts/glasses? No, Who said that? I can't see...
would you like to kiss? YO MOMMA!
makes you laugh? YO MOMMA!
makes you smile? YO MOMMA!
do you tell everything to? YO MOMMA!
has a crush on you? YO MOMMA (ok this is getting weird now...)
can make you feel better no matter what? YO DADDY!
More About You
what song makes you cry? My Humps cos i dont got none
what song makes you happy? I hate myself and i want to die, nirvana.
what makes you happy? my kitty being rubbed
do you wish on stars? Ha no you loser!
When Was The Last Time You...?
drank alcohol? I'm still drinking it
smoked? I'm a gud girl, I don't do that kinda thing
kissed someone? I'm kissin someone right now OH YEAH
went to the mall? I dont go to the mall
were on stage? What kind of stage?
cut your hair? I have no hair to cut
stole something? I stole your heart HA HA
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!style type="text/css" body { background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-image: url(http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i44/potatoe69/batman_s ymbol2batcave.jpg); background-position: top left; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; } table, tr, td { background-color: transparent; border: 0px; }table table { border: 0px; } table table table table{ border:0px; } table table table { border-width: 3px; border-color: rgb(255, 216, 23); border-style: solid; background-color: transparent; } table table table td { background-color: transparent; filter:alpha(100); -moz-opacity:1; opacity:1; -khtml-opacity:1; } table table table table td { filter:none; }
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Which Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You?

Ta me air meisce
Ta me air meisce - 'I am drunk.'You enjoy a drink - or five - now and then. You can usually be found in a pub - it doesn't matter which one, because they all look the same after a few drinks - or hugging the porcelain.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!.. width="425" height="350" ....

Tranzliate this Shiznit to Jive!

Click the Spinn'n Rim Beotch!

www.myYearbook.com -- Created by 2 high school students to kick myspace's ass

My Interests

Sex,Not sleeping, Sugar and pixie dust, puppies, spice and everything nice. We love going to blast, puurrrrrr. Getting our kitty rubbed up real good (pronounced gud) Hahaha Kraig in ur face! We like hanging out in Terenure, the biggest shithole on earth, but we love it. We like sittin in Clodigs buddha bag, mmmmm puurrrrr, and waxing Craigs legs.. hee hee hee so hairy... Thats it reli, we could go on for hours but we won't bore you too much

I'd like to meet:

Kraig and Jimmy, possibly the sexiest men alive! (exclamation mark!) If you have the chance DO THEM! Not!!!!!!!
adopt your own virtual pet!.. width="425" height="350" ....


Ok we LOVES our music. But I hate reading profiles with huge end-less music lists so we're gonna keep this brief. We like music.CRASH (Primitives)

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We like the movie kind of movies. Ze nightmare before christmas... our special homemade movies.. aka porn *cough cough*.. *whip whip* *puurrrr purrrr*. Sure you know urself...


What is this television you speak of?


We can't read...


Chloe, my wife. Jimmy (of course) Craig cos he's our little princess, Sarah M cos shes a legend, and your mother. Yeah we said it.

My Blog

Not meaning to sound emo but.....

Ok seriously people have MAJOR issue nowadays. Ok so I agree to go to stupid grinds over the Christmas holidays, and every Saturday from November to May, just to get the old pair to SHUT THE FUCK...
Posted by ♥ Ass biscuits and Cock sucker ♥ on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 04:10:00 PST

Word of today, 2nd of January.

WORD OF THE DAY by clodig   KNOB JOCKEY eg. 1. You knob jockey get out of my house      2. Your a horse banging, shit ramin, knob jockey OK?   &n...
Posted by ♥ Ass biscuits and Cock sucker ♥ on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 06:03:00 PST

word of this day mwahaha

WORD OF THIS DAYBY ASS BISCUITS The word of today,the first or second or something is "CABBAGE" Eg.1) A term to describe something or someone that is really bad .    &nbs...
Posted by ♥ Ass biscuits and Cock sucker ♥ on Sun, 01 Jan 2006 09:53:00 PST

Word of tha day. 31st December.

WORD OF THA DAYAs told by Cock Sucker The word of today, the last day of 2005, is "FOOL" Eg. 1. I pity the fool.       2. Yo, why you drank my apple juice, fool? &nb...
Posted by ♥ Ass biscuits and Cock sucker ♥ on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 12:27:00 PST

Pole dancing.

redrum Ass biscuits here:Secret goal in life hehe i really want pole dancing lessons they is teh sex. Just imagine swing around a pole. How erotic would that be? Just think how hot would it be to be a...
Posted by ♥ Ass biscuits and Cock sucker ♥ on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 12:09:00 PST