[someday, forever will be ours] profile picture

[someday, forever will be ours]

today i embarassed myself. and i dont even care.

About Me

i like art, theater, and music....ummm..... i love my friends and they are the best thing on the entire planet. Shay --
Sexually stunning
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com
You Are Surrealism
Dreamy and idealistic, you've created a world that is all your own.
It's very likely that you've either dabbled in drugs or are naturally trippy.
You are always trying to push beyond the boundaries of your culture and society.
You believe that art, love, and freedom can change the world. What Art Movement Are You?
Your Mind is NC-17 Rated
You're mind is so filthy... you should should be washing every part of you out with soap.
If your thoughts can go dirty, they do. Almost everything is NC-17 to you! Do You Have a Dirty Mind?....................................................... ............................................................ .....................Layout made by

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Mikey, Matthew, Kurt Cobain, Dave Grohl, Alan Ruck, Danny Masterson, Judd Nelson, Shia LaBeouf, Khleo Thomas, Emelio Estevez, Michelle Rodrigues, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Jorge Garcia, Christopher Titus, Dane Cook, Jared Leto, Coby Dick, Dave Buckner, Neil Sanderson, Steven Spielberg, Tim Burton, Danny Elfman and Edgar Allen Poe.


NiRVana, PApa RoaCh, tHReE DaYs gRaCE, buCkCheRRy, LiNKin pARK, DisTurbeD, bLACK-eYED pEAS, GoRIlliAZ, SySTem oF a DoWn, ViOleNT feMMes, uhh.. pretty much the good stuff.


I LoVE MoVieS. NiGhtmaRe BefORe ChRisTmAs, boTh PiRateS oF thE CaRrIBeaN, A ChRiStmAs sToRY, tHe PReStiGe, V fOR VeNdeTtA, KisS kIss bANG BAnG, CRASH, ReQuiM fOR a dREaM, thE bReAKfasT CluB, FasT anD FuRioUs, 2 fAST 2 FurIouS. uMm... i'M a MoViE FReAk.


Tvs noT reaAlLy mY tHInG. I neVeR haVe TimE.


My CouSiN AleX. hE's tHe bESt CoUSin aNd tHe BEst FRieNd I cOuLd asK foR. he'S LiKE tHe bRoTHeR i wiSH I hAd.
What hard-rock band are you?

Nirvana kicks ass congrats. You have that I-don't-care thing going on but you're pretty friendly. Way to balance it out. Your a fucking amazing person.
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com

My Blog

short and new and nothing special. :D

Whats wrong with the World today? How can You change it? If You had the chance... Would You? Just some thoughts.........
Posted by blowing up [the] sunshine on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 01:59:00 PST

i want to hit you.

when people care, cuz it only causes problems. i wish that i could do everything you expect of me. im sorry. guys, im a bad person. why are you my friend? i lie. alot. and when you think im listenin...
Posted by blowing up [the] sunshine on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 02:08:00 PST

a poem by me

when your blinded by everything  you thought you always knew you are blind to what becomes real in your illusion that is true nothing like cold hard lies to seperate your mind splitting everythi...
Posted by blowing up [the] sunshine on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 07:08:00 PST

strange isnt it?

when something like lying becomes so easy as something like breathing.... where do you find yourself? ................................................... liar. one small and simple word, packed wi...
Posted by blowing up [the] sunshine on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 08:26:00 PST