Mikey, Matthew, Kurt Cobain, Dave Grohl, Alan Ruck, Danny Masterson, Judd Nelson, Shia LaBeouf, Khleo Thomas, Emelio Estevez, Michelle Rodrigues, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Jorge Garcia, Christopher Titus, Dane Cook, Jared Leto, Coby Dick, Dave Buckner, Neil Sanderson, Steven Spielberg, Tim Burton, Danny Elfman and Edgar Allen Poe.
NiRVana, PApa RoaCh, tHReE DaYs gRaCE, buCkCheRRy, LiNKin pARK, DisTurbeD, bLACK-eYED pEAS, GoRIlliAZ, SySTem oF a DoWn, ViOleNT feMMes, uhh.. pretty much the good stuff.
I LoVE MoVieS. NiGhtmaRe BefORe ChRisTmAs, boTh PiRateS oF thE CaRrIBeaN, A ChRiStmAs sToRY, tHe PReStiGe, V fOR VeNdeTtA, KisS kIss bANG BAnG, CRASH, ReQuiM fOR a dREaM, thE bReAKfasT CluB, FasT anD FuRioUs, 2 fAST 2 FurIouS. uMm... i'M a MoViE FReAk.
Tvs noT reaAlLy mY tHInG. I neVeR haVe TimE.
My CouSiN AleX. hE's tHe bESt CoUSin aNd tHe BEst FRieNd I cOuLd asK foR. he'S LiKE tHe bRoTHeR i wiSH I hAd.
What hard-rock band are you?
Nirvana kicks ass congrats. You have that I-don't-care thing going on but you're pretty friendly. Way to balance it out. Your a fucking amazing person.
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