Julian (The Kodiac Bear): Vox, emoness, girl pants, and overall emotionality. David (The Brown Bear): Lead Guitar, mechanic, chef and gardner. Steven (The Northern Reticulated Bear): Rythm Guitar, names-spelled-with-numbers, slut department, randomness and blondeness. Josh (The Grizzly Bear): Drums, assholeness, ninjaing, and kicking trees. Nick (The Polar Bear): Bass, broken basses, blues scales, and reciting obscure quotes from online comedy and so on and so fourth. We are a band straight out of the South Bay of California. Our influences include (but are not limited to) hardcore, metal, punk, ska, emo and good old fashion country. Well, maybe not that last one. You might recognise Julian from his days with Rude Muse and the Mass Skantics, or Josh from the good old days with his old bands Kretur, Sin Hound, or IDK. David as you must know was the driving force behind the Cantaeo Experience. Nick and Steven have just been added and we don't know where they came from, but were sure it wasn't Ohio. As for what we sound like, its a conglomeration of the above genres. We have no definite sound, you'll just have to check us out. Were always looking for potential fans and kidred bands...and fine ass sluts according to Steven, so hit us up dawwgg! WHUAT!