My Blog
Summertime, living life so easily.
LIFE::So I've stepped into a new chapter, a new stepping stone in life...blah blah.I finished highschool and going to MCC, highschool part deux basically. Have no cash, and kinda have a job...kinda ha...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 22:46:00 GMT
Frustration, Determination, and sheer stupidity
I want to say I'm in a band, but I'm not. A band practices, and a band plays shows; "my" band does not. It's annoying, cause I WANT TO PLAY MUSIC. I dont care about getting famous, and i don't care ab...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Nov 2008 22:17:00 GMT
Flaming Giraffes!!! Demons playing guitars?
Dumb Girl
As in stupid,
as in lack of speech
The lack of words
To make sentences
To talk to you.
Mean Boy,
You smile so nice,
and take the thoughts away
A drug,
when it's gone I crash
Posted by on Tue, 13 May 2008 19:09:00 GMT
A new Year causes New Changes
It's funny how people decide to change something about their lifestyle, to get up and do something about their problems new years. Why not tomorrow? what better time then right now. Why wait?
Carpe Di...
Posted by on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 20:58:00 GMT
My Life Soundtrack
Intro: Truckin'- Grateful Dead
When born: Sunday Morning by Maroon 5
Birthday SOng: Sassafras Roots- Green Day
First Steps: Turn Coat-Anti-flag
First day of school: Diseased-Seether
Meeting my best fr...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 22:28:00 GMT
A Taste on The Tongue, Something so Tangible, I could reach out and touch it.
A glance around the room, a nod from each person. The sticks click off the beat, the sound time now imbedded into my head. The guitar comes peeling outta no where, the beginnngs of the song tossed int...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 19:04:00 GMT
Not easy to brush teeth with bloody lips
Yea, so a lot has happened. Firstly I dyed my hair again =) I'm very happy about that. secondly, I need a job agian, kinda owe my parents a large sum of money for being a moron.
And let's see, hallow...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 20:23:00 GMT
Playing Tag; More like hit and run with a mail box.
Haha, so I was backing outta my drummer's driveway, and guess what I do in my huge ass vehicle of a van? I hit a mail box! I didn't like knock it over, I dented it and the green cheesy paint was chipp...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 21:37:00 GMT
Cameras are from hell. They do more than steal souls.
Alright so I went to warped tour. I had my hair dyed red, and I took pictures of it, and I looked bad ass. I got to warped tour and took pictures with the band. Each one of them. I got pictures with b...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:54:00 GMT
Oh is It Love, siNce tHe First time my eYes laId upoN youRs
Posted by on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 22:35:00 GMT