art, alchemy & adventure...blizzards, booze & baths...civilization II, the conuitio & cookies...dim sum, dance & the dead...eros & elves...form, freaks &, havoc &, juice & japanese............K.O.A.S..................literature, labyrinths & love...mythology, music & mayhem...nature...organs & osiris...peace, pie & the psyche...rabbits, robots & rhetoric...spirit, shadows & the situationists...transgression, transformation & tea.....uroboros.....the vortex!!! whiskey, wonder & whoop-dee-do, zeal & zzz's.
1.Probably, YOU (if we haven't already met). 2.Other mutant/elves. 3.drummers. 4.Armored Bears, preferrably one that can mend the shattered shards of my magic sword once I retrieve it from the bottom of the cursed lake. 5.Fearless Feelers ... okay, 'fearless' is unreasonable ... how about "the emotionally brave." ^.People who are willing to entertain ideas opposed to ones that they hold dear. 7.Chicks who dig Mothra.
My favorites change all the time ... Today it's the sound of red tape snapping.
pop pop POP pop
What 80's Metal Band are you? (with pics)
King Diamond You are King Diamond, a band that actually is Satanic and not doing it for the show. Your lyrics tell stories of posession and demon babies. You may not be well known, but that doesn't stop you from being one of the greatest metal bands of all time.
Music Quizzes
There is only one movie -- Mothra (1961). The subtitled version.
what's 'television' ?
all of them.
Dr. Strange