I'm really into computer games like Tomb Raider, tht my all time favorate. It's the first game i ever got into through my brother, and it was love at first sight! I love the character of Lara Croft she so nice, yet sassy! She has lots of knowledge n skill too, and with knowledge comes her power to excell.I cannot explain to u how much i love Final Fantasy! 7 is the all time best! I love the music and the fights and all the mini games and summons! The storyline is really good! AS well as the extras on this game such as the golden Chocobo! Cloud and Tifa r such great characters. His hair is mental! I could, and did, spend hours just training on this game! It was so good! All of the others in this series of games have been awesum too, and i have spent years of mylife just playing them! :D once i played X so much tht i coulnt see properly nemore, my eyes went all blurred! thought lucky by then i had played it so much tht i knew which buttons to press! SO I KEPT PLAYING! :oGuilty Gear X, is the coolest looking and fastest paced fighting game ive ever seen. The Characters all look sooooooo off the wall, and the moves are really cool! Yay! Spyro! youve got to love the lil purple dragon tht flames ur ass! It's gd for stress relief i find, as u just charge into everything tht moves!You have got to love Half-life! it's just so much fun playin with ur mates! tho i dnt have the new one N DAMN EVERYONE THT HAS! I loved Ghost in the shell and so wen i saw the game i had to get it! i wasnt sure what it was goin to be like, but it turns out tht it's thrilling as! They even have the same slow-mo stunt bits in game! It's a great add on to the Anime! GTA,ah where to start with GTA! it pushed the limits of what was allowed in games! Not without sum protest i might add! ive played all of them to sum extent, from way back at the first one, to london, and then GTA2 (i used to get the oil add on and make the pigs slip on it all the time whilst i drove round them in circles! :P), and now the new generation of this red-cap game.Tekken must be the best fighting game eva! I loved Anna coz she was a bitch and her moves were just slapping people and treadig on them with her heels! Bear was cute n fun, coz u cud hug people to death! sound like neone? Devil may cry, was great fun! i liked it because the game play was so different to the other i had played up till then! altho this did mean it took awhile for me to get into it properly! Does neone else remember playing Zelda on the Gameboy colour! coz i do! HOW MANY TIMES DID U END UP WALKING UP THT BIT IN THE PICTURE AT THE BEGINING! LOADS! or maybe thts just me! ive loved seeing tht chicken tho! didnt it dissapear at one point? ah i cant remember! it was ages since i played it!Kirby's dreamland was great fun! HE'S SOOO CUTE! I used to complete it over n over again! tho thts coz it was a peice of piss! lol. The pictures of the first boss where u had to aviod the falling apples then suck one up, n spit it at the tree! Thinking about it now, it just teaches kids to swallow things off the ground and spit at others! :P/I really did spend whole days playing this game!Unreal tournament was sooo much fun! After all u could hear in ur head was "head shot" and "killing spree" or "multi kill" also if u closed ur eyes you could still see the game being played! tho i think i get tht with most games i play too much.I havent had much chance to play Resident evil 3, and thts the only one i have, but from wat i have played i certainly did like it. /hopefully ill get round to playing more sumtime! thts the plan neway!Did neone else ply this old version of DragonballZ coz i certainly did! IT ROCKED! :D Vampire night was well fun to play along with someone else! i really feel like playing with light guns now! hehe!I love Manga also... Ghost in the shell is my favorate because the animation in it is so mind blowing! it's the best ive ever seen! i love it! It also makes sum interesting points like wen does AI become human? I loved the tachikoma! i want one! Major was so cool! I love evangelion so much because it's really deep, and makes you think. my favorate characetr is Rei, because i think i can relate to her, and tht i her personallity inside of me sumwhere. I could of been just like her, but ive chosen not to be.I really got into the .Hack anime, altho ive never palyed the RPGs at all. my favorate character was Ouka of the Divine Fist, for very obv reasons if u know nething about me at all!Ive always loved DragonballZ sooooooo much! It was the first ive ever seen, tht was ages ago on cartoon network! lol, Trunks is by far my favorate, because hes just sooo gd! I really used to like his hair wen it was long tho, DAMN BLUMA FOR KEEP SAYIN TO HIM LETS CUT IT! DAMN HER! He had purple hair tht turned blonde and a big long-sword! u cant get much better than tht a girls! haha, i think goku and gohan looked better blonde! I first watched the movie for Cowboy be-bop, which i loved! i like the relationships between all the characters and that u gradually pick characters up and lose them. My favorate characters r ED because shes( yes i sed she) is really crazy and because of her different look on things she knows alot more than most. I also liked Vicious, i love the scene where he cuts the guys eyes, and the way he had ravens/crows always around him. The whole bounty hunter idea was good, so was how it ended. The Anime matrix was really good! I liked program best because of the fight scene and the twist at the end. It's so cool wen she beats him by landing on the end of his weapon, and wen she "kills" him!AS well as all of them i like Comic books, Tomb Raider i like obv beacause i liked the game. i think the comics are really good! it's still the same old lara! http://img123.imageshack.us/my.php?image=doriancleavengerwit chbladei1hd.jpg WitchBlade i first got into because there was a crossover with tomb raider one time. i Really love Sara, but more i like the complex stories and the Witchblade its self!I also liked the spin off with one of the characters nothingham. BUT THT WAS VERY COMPLEX TO READ N UNDERSTAND I THOUGHT! tho tht might b tht i havent read all of the witchblade, theres so much off it! I like darkmind crossover too! The Darkness i got into through witchblade, and also it was in the back of tomb raider a couple of times. I get into alot of them through previews in other comics! Jackie and the darklings just crack me up tho! Even tho he's a womaniser u feel sorry for him! i really like the artwork from the new series. It's being made into a game now as well! :DAphrodite IX is my all time fave comic, i love the Character shes so hot! i like the action, and the storyline! All thoght im missing the %234 so i dnt know wat happens at the end! altho the anime is being made of it! so im sure ill find out soon! Fathom i first got because it had tombraider in it, although it turned out to b a page in the whole book! i really need to get the next one to it! :P i do really like the idea of it tho! it's really something different! I'm looking into fashion design and would really love to make cuture like thierry mugler. He's my fave designer because he does costumes that look like theyve come out of a comic book or sci-fi movie!I love to draw loads and stay up late watchin action films.
it's a must...I love her sooooo mcuh, she's just got such a great outlook on things, and a kick ass attitude! SHE'S HOT AS TOO! :Pbecause i think it would be cool to have a conversation with him, it seem like he's a very deep person, which is why i like his music so much.as well just because he seems really genuin and nice, tho he mite nt b! Ild like to meet my opposite too.
I like alot of different types, tend to listen to movie sound tracks alot. Some of the artists i like are AFI, Garbage, Nine Inch Nails, Bif Naked, No doubt, Lost prophets, Linkin Park, P.O.D, Prodigy, Rob D. My fave song ever is AFI cover of the Nine Inch Nails song, Head like a Hole. Nine Inch Nails are my ultimate band!
.. width="425" height="350" .. My fave one ever is Gone in 60 Seconds, it's just soooooo great. I love all of the actors in it! mmm Angelina Jolie!I love Nick Cage he's really great at wat he does, Vinnie Jones ROCKS! Giovanni is awesum 2.LOVE MILLIA JOVOVICH, kate Beckinsale, Lucy Lui, Keira knightley, Halle Berry, so i will watch ne film with them in and love them coz their all so hot! I really like all the Tarintino films, and actors. Like Swordfish, HUGH JACKMAN!mmm, Tom cruise as well, Both better with LONG hair!
I like sci-fi, Charmed, Dark Angel are my faves. Love CSI, and also urm i dunno! It's gone! Will & Grace cracks me up, as do Ant and Dec, Dawn French, Jimmy Car Ect! Urm other than tht i can't really remember, been ages since i watch it really!
I'm not really a fan of books, however i do like the James Herbert ones. Moon is the best one.IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Click here to make Falling Objects ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Lara Croft! N abit of Aphrodite IX.