+*¨^¨*+ Mªð § mãgz § +*¨^¨*+ profile picture

+*¨^¨*+ Mªð § mãgz § +*¨^¨*+

my friends are for life, yas knw who yas are !

About Me


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Graphix PimperHEY EVERY BODY !!! as u all well know i am
+*^*+ Mad Magz +*^*+
princess angel magz infact !!!
FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO KNOW ME - yas dont need te read dis it wud be a complete waste of your time coz yas know evtin der is te knw bout me but then agen dese myt refrsh ur memory check it out 151 things about me!!!!
[*] im a completely hyper active 18 year old, quite fun to be around typical teenage gurrl - i thrive on the word FUN !!!
[*] hmmm..... yer im a typical teenage gurrl who loves parties and dancin, and parties and music and parties - im a party animal, im always up on d dance floor hehe erm...
[*] I am really friendly and chatty,
[*] I love animals especially snow leopards, pandas, penguins, ducks, puppies, and baby monkeys arrrw their all so so kute !!
[*] I have many nicknames which formed all round the country with many sooo many lovely ppl i am known as ~ ~ mad magz, mental magz, magzzer, madzer, crazy chika, mad head, mentaller, sallynoggin, bubbles,cheesy pea - formally known as cheesy pea - cheesy beans partner in crime, , head ( dont ask!!), oh the longest nickname i had is sallynoggin yerr it goes way back inte the past, im also knows as someone's lil princess, lil angel and chick hehe
[*] Rain makes me happy.
[*] I enjoy spending time with the people who make me happy.
[*] I am always cold.
[*] I wish I could sleep all day
[*] Music is everything.
[*] I wish I cud sing
[*] d guys call me d innocent minx ( how dus da work) lol
You Are 100% Pure
You're so innocent, it's almost like you're not human.
Taking this test is probably the naughtiest thing you've done in a while! How Pure Are You?[*] It takes me a long time to trust someone.
[*] I love playing sports, sports make me happy, hyper and awake
[*] I don't like silence, it scares me.
[*] Sometimes I scare myself.
[*] Transition Year was the most incredible year of my life.
[*] 5TH Year was the worse year of my life.
[*]best friends should be for life !!
[*] I feel right at home at concerts.
[*] Orlando Bloom is my fave actor.
[*] My comfort food is chocolate, ice cream and crisps
[*] In 6th class I went to see Manchester united play in Old Trafford.
[*] Something corporATe is innnncredible
[*] Driving is a skill for life !
What Your Soul Really Looks Like
You are a wanderer. You constantly long for a new adventure, challenge, or eve a completely different life.
You are a grounded person, but you also leave room for imagination and dreams. You feet may be on the ground, but you're head is in the clouds.
You believe that people see you as a bit small and insignificant. People pay more attention to you than you think.
Your near future is a lot like the present, and as far as you're concerned, that's a very good thing.
For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust. Inside the Room of Your Soul
[*] I want to become a fitness instructor, a sergeant in the defence forces and travel abroad when im a tad bit older.
[*] My biggest fear is time.
Your Personality Cluster is Extraverted Intuition
You are:
A true wordsmith - a master of words
Original, spontaneous, and a true inspiration
Highly energetic, up for any challenge
Entertaining and engaging, both to friends and strangers What's Your Personality Cluster?
[*] everything related to the word death scares me.
[*] the OC is my therapy.
[*] I am a hopeless romantic. and just hopeless.
You Are A Realistic Romantic
It's easy for you to get swept away by romance...
But you've done a pretty good job keeping perspective.
You're still taken in by love poems and sunsets
You just don't fall for every dreamy pick up line! Are You Romantic or Realistic?
[*] I hate being confused.
[*] I am very shy at times,
[*] Sometimes my legs get really shaky and weak.
[*] I am a meat eater.
[*] Tennis and Basketball are fun, so are all other sports mentioned in the about me section
[*] sometimes i stay up in the middle of the night to watch ice hockey !!
[*] I have a tendency to talk about random things during any type of conversation.
[*] I worry about things I have to do too much. and then I think I am getting them done early when I am really just rushing them and I end up doing it wrong most of the time.
[*] I am very indecisive.
[*] I should have been born with blonde hair..
[*] Speaking of hair, I wanna hav aluminous blue or punky pink highlights
[*] 'Work' by Jimmy Eat World is one of my favorite videos.
[*] orlando bloom all d way!!!.
[*] I like to go on walks with my friends at 2 in the morning.
[*] I don't like thinking about the future.
[*] Although I think about everything too much.
[*] Sometimes to the point when i can't sleep.
[*] I have problems sleeping.
[*] I am not an organised person.
[*] I like when people stop by for no reason.
[*] My room is really mee.
[*] I hate school and talking about it.
[*] life in general is my inspiration .
[*] my family and friends are my life.
[*] I love stars and the sky.
[*] I tend to say 'I'm Sorry' A lot.
[*] When I walk I look at the ground.
[*] I enjoy being hugged from behind.
[*] My fave All American Rejects song is Dirty Little Secret.
[*] Fave bon jovi song is always and my guitar lies bleeding in my arms.
[*] I would like to experience the moon.
[*] People tend to not take me seriously I guess because they don't seem to listen when I tell them to stop or not do something.
[*] I don't open up to people easily. But then again, sumtimes I dooo.
[*] whitney heueston and celine dion have very powerful voices.
[*] I love 7up.
[*] Sometimes it is really hard for me to concentrate.
[*] Sometimes it's not.
[*] I like pie! Apple pie custard pie vanilla pie, any pie , my oh my I loooove pie !! ( not really )
You Are 24 Years Old
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. What Age Do You Act?
[*] I hate feelin low.
[*] My hair looks the best straight.
[*] I love animals and wud luv a pet penguin.
[*] The Beach is my favourite place to be. I love everything about it.
[*] Im terrified of big dogs.
[*] I used te have guinea pigs.
[*] I have three dogs, lady and jasmine, their shihtzuhs an princess whos a french bitch!.
[*] I always end up falling.
[*] The computer became an obsession of mine wen I first sat in front of one.
[*] I love America, and any place but here.
[*] Everything happens for a reason.
[*] I love the plain white ts
[*] My favourite colour is punky pink.
[*] I like Snowflake and Tinkerbell.
[*] I love snow, and when its snowing,
[*] I luv skiing and snow boarding an ice hockey,
[*] I reeeally luv adrenaline rushes !!
[*] I tend te miss ppl and den make myself miss dem more especially wen I start tinkin o dem for ages !!
[*] I luv writing.
[*] Id be soo lost without my fone.
[*] d gurls are ma world! !!
[*] I love me -to - you bears,
[*] nothingness makes me laff !!
[*] I despise accusations, and the manipulative truth.
[*] i hate when im lied to and bitched about behind my back, id rather someone tell me to my face their problem, i hate feeling as if i did something wrong.
[*] i love change, but sometimes too much change confuses meee,
[*] my rooom is punky pink and black hehe
[*] I hate judgemental people, who judge ya and they dont even know ya well enough to judge - it pisses me off !!
You Are 76% Open Minded
You are so open minded that your brain may have fallen out!
Well, not really. But you may be confused on where you stand.
You don't have a judgemental bone in your body, and you're very accepting.
You enjoy the best of every life philosophy, even if you sometimes contradict yourself. How Open Minded Are You?[*] I used te be a real daddys girl..
[*] Death scares me - freeeeaks me out to the point da I sumtimes end up cryin.
[*] i laughed for more than 45 mins straight on a big adventure to Drimnagh and all the way back again, my stomach was about to explode, i had the redest most rosiest cheeeaks ever, and tears were streaming down my eyes as if there was no tomorrow
[*] Id luv te be taller.
[*] Cheese smells, but sometimes tasty.
[*] Bryan Adams is a lejmundo !!
[*] Id love to play the piano.
[*] I wanna go to college abroad.
[*] Id luv te go away after my leaving cert to America or sumtin
[*] I luv just chillin and doin nothing.
[*] Retail Therapy is d answer to everything !!
[*] Sometimes the answer is right in front of u and ya just cant see it.
[*] Every solution has a problem.
[*] Out of courage desperation is born.
[*] Nobody's perfect, they jus try to be!
[*] The song "Suddenly i see", by KT Tunstall is stuck in my head !!
[*] Im not crazy, my reality is jus different than yours.
You Are a Natural Beauty!
You're the kind of beauty that every guy dreams about...
One that looks good in the morning - without a stich of makeup
That's doesn't mean you're a total hippie chic though
You have style, but for you, style is effortless What Type of Beauty Are You?
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[*] i hate realising people arent whom ya thought they were, split personalities annoy mee, especially if u were misleaded !!
[*] memories are photo albums just stored in a safe place - ur brain !! u can never lose them, they just disappear for a while or you just forget them.
[*] I am reeeally crazy to say the least but hey!! sum1s got te be !!
[*] i can go up te sum1 sooo random on d streeet an start chattin to them, i did it a few times actually, the things ppl chat about man !!
[*] I luv randomers an gettIn to knw other ppl,
[*] I am fun to be around ( well atleast I thInk I am ),
belIeve It or not I am kInda shy can jus go red an scarlet over sumthIn so stupId but there ya go another factor te add te the magz lIst
[*] Im a nutcase Im alwayz up for a laugh always,
[*] Im extremely outgoIng,
[*] I hate beIng bored I get really down wen Im bored hehe
[*] erm...I AM EXTREMELY ADVENTUROUS Im afraId of heIghts and escalators but If I was asked te jump out of a plane Id do It hehe I clImbed up the eIffel tower In lashIngs of raIn and thought I was gna dIe !!! lol aww mentaller an den we had te walk bk down yerr !!! tha was fun !!
[*] I love beIn scared and challengIng my fears
[*] I used te be terrIfIed of spIders wen I was lil but I amnt anymre Infact I love the lil creatures,
[*] [*] I held a frIends pet tarranchula It was really hairy an stuff he tIckled me hand an I nearly let hIm drop !!
[*] I wud never say no to a challenge hehe.
You Are Smokin' Hot
You're a terrible flirt, a sharp dresser, and a party animal.
Of course, you're totally sizzling too. And for you, being hot just comes naturally. Are You Hot?
[*]Im extremely energetIc; I can jus wake up at anytIme In the mornIn and go for a run,
I love beIn actIve,
[*] Im quIte Into fItness but my dIet Isnt the best, lets see beIng hooked on 7upand chInese food Isnt good,
[*] but havIn a fast metabolIsm Its actually a good good thIng,
[*] Im thInkIn of goIn on a dIet well, nt te lose weIght but a healthy eatIng dIet there ya gooo, ( between you and me, I dnt tInk It wIll last long )
[*] I love chocolate, Id be lost wIthout daIry mIlks and cream eggs, Ice cream, ben and jerry and haagan daz Ice cream Is jus heaven !!
[*] I luv long chats on the phone, and dancIng In the raIn hehe stampIng In puddles, and fallIng!!
[*] I luv fashIon, clothes, jewellery - sIlver especIally,
I luv hats omg !!
[*] sum gals buy belts , the latest cons, vans etc... but I jus goo mad for hats !!
[*] I am verry strange when It comes to style and Interests an the whole shIbbang
Your Career Personality: Independent, Flexible, and Ingenious
Your Ideal Careers:
Nightclub owner
Private investigator
Real estate developer
Stand up comic
Venture capitalist
Video game developer The Quick and Dirty Career Test
[*]I can be a tad bIt tomboyIsh but not over the top If yas get me, Im a sporty chIka but Isnt serIous bout sport Im jus verry actIve!!
[*] - but then I have my extremely gurrrly moments yep yep I love gettIn my haIr and naIls done and dressIn up an partyIn, an dancIn an yerr all tha shtuff,
[*] sum days I do be doIn one sport after another soo I do be In tracksuIts the whole tIme an den ya cud see me another day pure gIrlIsh and prItty funky
[*] im a fanatic of music, art and writing omg ! i luv writing especially wen ders stuff on ma mind,.
[*] erm,..... im a hater of skewl, completely hate the place with a vengeance, the only ppl who actually keep me sane in da place is ma palios an hunnies .
[*] id defiantely be lost without my hunny friends and palios alot of us has been through alot together and we stuck together like glue !!.
[*] i wudnt swap them for the world, awww yas all knw who yas are and all the 5th year colbriders i love yas all te bits yas are all the bestest ever !!!.
[*] i dont like arguments and disagreements, i dont like bein caught in the middle of them either,.
[*] i love everyone hehe maybe more than others but non the less i love yas all,.
[*] i hate sisterly love all the arguments over stupid things yerr erm......
[*] i love randomnes meetin randomness peeps talkin te randomness peeps an well jus bein pure random.
[*] ma friends are deadly yas know yas are! !!!.
[*] Im getting sick of all this typin and besides, wha ya read dis for ?!?!.
[*] Jus comment me , I honestly dont bite !!.
[*] well, there ya have it folks, the insight of the most magnificent person ever !! hehe ( as if! ).
[*] Yup yas can now say yas know a tad wee bit about mee !! hehe !!.
xxxx magz xxxx
Your Values Profile
You value loyalty highly.
You're completely devoted to your friends and family.
Even if they totally screw up, you're still there for them.
Just make sure they're equally loyal to you!
You value honesty a fair amount.
You're honest when you can be, but you aren't a stickler for it.
If a little white lie will make a situation more comfortable, you'll go for it.
In the end, you mostly care about "situational integrity."
You value generosity highly.
So much so that you often put your own needs last.
There's nothing wrong with having a caring heart...
But you may want to rethink your "open wallet" policy.
You value humility a fair amount.
You tend to be an easy going, humble person.
But occasionally your ego takes over.
You have a slight competitive streak - and the need to be the best.
You value tolerance highly.
Not only do you enjoy the company of those very different from you...
You do all that you can to seek it out interesting and unique friends.
You think there are many truths in life, and you're open to many of them. The Five Factor Values Test

My Interests

Information i my page is a restricted area. Authorised personel only
From Go-Quiz.com
hmmm...... 1.SPORT - okies im a lover of sport and fitness i play practically every sport, i love bladin,boardin, cycling, athletics (basically runnin, hop,skippin and jumpin),

Myspace Graphics basketball, a big lover of soccer and gaelic, camogie, tennis, uni hockey, ice hockey, skiing, erm...... i used te hate well DESPISE volleyball but now i dnt think its as bad as i thought it was, i love horseriding - well wen i can actually get a chance te go, tennis, kayaking, rock climbing, absailing, swimming, tennis, badminton, is hip hop dancing a sport?? well i love hip hop danicn soo hmm?!?!?! is it a sport ?? hmm.... oh oh i love goin to the gym basically jackie skelly's its tres koolio, i love playin soccer in the rain, i love tag rugby, erm..... wha else?!? oh shoppin??!?!?! is tha a sport? yerr i do tha too like nearly every day hehe is hangin out with friends a sport??!?!?! hmm... another hard question well if it is yerr i do tha too, wha else !!!2.INSTRUMENTS - i love playing the drums and guitar (courtesy of duggan head :) and stuey ) oh my god i think they are both just amazin, i wanna learn how to play piano i think tha wud be cool,3.DRIVING - apart from drivin ppl demented, im now currently takin drivin lessons, so watch out ppl mad magz cumin tru !!!4.erm.....READING - i used te read lots but erm,..... yerr im not bothered with tha anymre do too much of it wen im in skool, erm.......5.CHILLIN - i love hangin out with ma friends doin f*all jus chillin or goin inte town an shoppin til we're droppin, i always find time for them regardless to wha i do be up te, my family and friends are my numbr one priority :)6. ART - i love art and wha not - oh my god i luv graphic designin web designin, animation - my bro whos an animator btw is teachin me the basics at the mo so im lovin tha,7. WRITING - i love writing erm... mostly songs for ma friends band coz yer dey cudnt be bothered erm... what else, i love writing poems, short stories etc...8.SEEING THE WORLD - i reeeally love travelling oh my god i cud sit in a car all day long without feelin bored, i love flying in aeroplanes obviously omg !!! i love it - its the bestest evr, erm.... i dont really mind goin on boats but had a bad experience on 1 before so erm.... best avoid the boat, i love seein new countries an different ppl, love roaming in an unfamiliar place- id go on an adventure an discover new things,9. MUSIC - need i say more ? well i love music!!!! an everything associated with music, i love concerts, blast, aww i love everything music has to offer,10. THE ARMY / DEFENCE FORCES/RESERVE - okies i reeeeally wanna join the army, im currently in the fca and lovin it te bits oh my gosh !!! hehe yall se me sum day and i'll be known as sergeant magz hehe well hopefully !!!!Layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts§ § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § §
Pimp My Profile

I'd like to meet:

hmmm.... loads of ppl erm...... anyone famous and not you !!! haha kiddin.................. oh oh id love te meet bon jovi, , hectar o eoghain ? is da spelled right hehe erm... well for those of u who dnt knw him i think hes a living irish legend yep yep with his "as gaeilge" erm...... id love to meet up with past friends that moved away an lost contact with erm................ id actually love te meet my conscience an give it a piece of my mind haha yerr !!!
Your Superhero Profile
Your Superhero Name is The Ice Glider
Your Superpower is Spiritual
Your Weakness is Love
Your Weapon is Your Air Battle Axe
Your Mode of Transportation is Dinosaur What's your Superhero Name?


magzville is a radioactive squirrel!!
From Go-Quiz.com

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hehe ah music - the old reliable tunes to keep u to ur senses !!! hehe yerrr anyway lets get to it ,
bon jovi
green day
guns n roses
the killers
good charlotte
panic at the disco
matchbook romance
blink 182
my chemical romance
franz ferdinand
bullet for my valentine
funeral for a friend
blink 182
simple plan
ocean colour scene
system of a down
pink floyd
sum 41
the plain white t's
snow patrol
oh my gosh !!! i cant friggin think erm... ooops !!!
chilli peppers
i love indie rock eg.
the vandals
the fuzz
ermm.. yer etc.....
the rolling stones
errrm... bee gees
, the beatles
oh my god yas might think im a freak but i love country western music line dancin all that bizzarre stuff i grew up with
garth brooks
i love keith urban
faith hill etc.....
absolutely love em !!!
(my parents are boggers )
i luv R.E.M
goo goo dolls
erm... coldplay
, the foo fighters
the pixies
kings of leon
velvet revolver
counting crows
thin lizzy
johhny cash
iron maiden
the beatles
bob marley
the beastie boys
, white stripes
ermmm..... oh yerr
maroon 5
mariah carey
errr ?? oh my gosh !! my head is blank thas not gud !! erm...
damian rice
james blunt,
paddy casey
five for fighting
savage garden
tracy chapman
status quo
the la's
jimmy eat world
all american rejects
hehe yerr erm....
pussy cat dolls
ne yo
black eyed peas
christina aguilera
mary j blige
kelly clarkson
errrm...... theres loads hehe i luv music as dus everyone :P err
jessica simpson
destinys child
errrrm.... dnt laugh i love rap na rnb too hip hop an base music
50 cent
not much of kanya west
erm... dr.dre
tupac shakur
112 etc.....
im mostly a rock lover though :P ah wells !!
oh yer how cud i forget i checked up a band on myspace they are pritty pritty gud aussie guys too infact, 919 check them out i think their prreeetty sumthin :p
well i think tha jus about raps it up :)

You Are a Chick Rocker!
You're living proof that chicks can rock
You're inspired by Joan Jett and the Donnas
And when you rock, you rock hard
(Plus, you get all the cute guy groupies you want!) What Kind of Rocker Are You?

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i love anything scary/funny, musicals/ chik flicks, action,COMEDIES! greace, erm.... phantom of the opera, american pie 1 and 2, 3, dirty dancing, save the last dance, gothika, jeepers creepers, scary movie 1,2,3 zoolander, wedding crashers, meet the parents, meet the fockers, erm.... shrek 1 &2 ,yerr donny darko, scarface, honey, bring it on,hot chicks, , coyote ugly, footloose, hot shots, fame, romeo and juliet, the fifth element, the exorcist, mr and mrs.smith, armageddon, napolean dynamite.V - FOR VENDETTA, the hills have eyes, date movie, a time for dancing, the cable guy, errrm, doom, the ring 1 and 2, the boogie man, childs play, chuckies bride, chuckie returns,the seed of chuckie, black beauty, the last chance, a little princess, my girl 1 and 2, the matrix 1,2 and 3, blade 1,2,3, XXX (triple X) , resident evil, spiderman 1 and 2, superman, the terminator, van helsing, the werewolf king, vampire mountain, errrm..... i cant think, finding nemo , mulan, pocahontas, chicken little, shrek 1 and 2, ferngully, a fairytale, harry potter :P,(hav te put it in ) lord of the rings series, erm..... mean girls, vanilla sky, crash, signs, errr yerrr wha else, oh yer stand by me, get over it, war of the worlds errr, haha wha else !?!?!?!?!! without a paddle, tenacios d the pick of destiny, anchorman, BORAT! Throw the Jew down the well, So my country can be free, You must grab him by the horns, Then we have a big party.In Kazakhstan, three main issues: economic, social, and Jew.Yes, I have been in a movie Dirty Jew. I play the one who eh... the hero, the one who shot him.To Conan on The Conan Show, “Sex crimes, high five!”


the o.c , lost, family guy, blizzard of odd, home and away (total hunks) erm..... will and grace, father ted, etc........

adopt your own virtual pet!


hehe when i read roysh i pick up a page roysh an stare at it for ages roysh and den roysh realize what im doin roysh and put the friggin book back down roysh - of course roysh i read the whole of ross o' carrol kelly's books roysh he's just so roysh g'damn funny roysh, darren shan series, lord of the rings series, harry potter series, series of unfortunate events, dan brown - the da vinci code, angels and demons, magzines roysh enough readin for me roysh thanx i used te be able te roysh read my owners mind roysh but not any more lol
You Are 7 Up
Understated and subtle, people warm up to you slowly.
But once they're hooked, they can't imagine going back to anyone else!

Your best soda match: Diet Coke

Stay away from: Mountain Dew What Kind of Soda Are You?


michael jordan kurt cobain david gillick bon jovi hectar o heoghain jason sherlock jack black totally funny guy d jackass crew haha orlando magic tampa bay lightnings an keep d best til last ma family an fwenz loves yas!

My Blog

LEARN CHINESE IN MINUTES!!!!!This is so funny

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pet centipede

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why men are soo much happier

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When us girls drink!! It's funny 'cause it's true - ADMIT IT! =) WHEN WE GIRLS DRINK TOO MUCH............ 1. We have absolutely no idea where our purse is.. and for some reason, that's...
Posted by +*¨^¨*+ Mªð § mãgz § +*¨^¨*+ on Tue, 17 Jan 2006 10:02:00 PST