After eight years of being a wandering vagabond in search of who-knows-what I'm going back home. Back to where it all started to tie up loose ends, to make sense of the past, and to reconnect with my people and place of birth. I'm equally excited and terrified to embark onto this journey that will bring me full circle.To all YOU guys. Stay in touch until we meet again. You all have a piece of my heart - forever. OH, and PLEASE COME VISIT!!! No really I mean it.P.S.
You should still read my blog... Just read it OK. It's good I promise. And if you like it and are interested to read more I can send you my entire thesis on "Alternatives to Feelings of Guilt, and States of Denial when Dealing with the Past in a War-torn Country: A Case Study of Serbia and Women in Black-Belgrade".
Click here to learn what's happening in Darfur, Sudan
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